The new Branch Support and Organising Fund

This week sees the launch of the new UNISON Branch Support and Organising Fund (BSOF) to help branches.

The Fund has been created as a result of the branch resources review motion passed at Conference and has been set at £3.45 million in 2022 to be shared between twelve Regions. Two percent of national income each year will be set aside.

Branches and regional bodies can bid using an on-line form for different types of support to grow the union and take on local organising challenges. The NEC has provided guidance on the types of bids allowed and all decisions will be made at the regional level by a committee of lay members.

The Regional Pool has been closed and balances passed to Regional BSOF accounts in addition. The national Campaign Fund continues to be open for more political and campaign focussed branch bids for extra support.

Christina McAnea, General Secretary, said “I welcome the launch of the new Branch Support and Organising Fund as an exciting way to get more resources to the front line. It is an opportunity to try new approaches and for branches to work together where they have common problems and employers.”

If you are interested in applying to the BSOF please contact your regional organiser in the first instance to assist with drafting an application before making a formal submission using the online form

NEC Branch Support and Organising Fund Guidance

Branch Support & Organising Fund application form