Wendy Nichols during her presidential year, chairing national delegate conference

UNISON members recognised in honours list

Members receive awards for contributions to the trade union movement, water regulation, and work in the community

West Yorkshire hospital workers win re-banding and thousands of pounds in back pay 

The victory marks the latest success in UNISON’s Pay Fair for Patient Care campaign, which has seen re-banding wins across the country

Black and white image of a cemetery

Rotherham cemetery staff secure major pay victory

Acceptance of a new offer ends long-running dispute with the private contractor

elderly woman with carer

Recovery assistants in Sheffield win much-needed pay uplift

The pay uplift comes as a result of a campaign to get the low paid care workers re-banded to better reflect their role

It’s good to talk – especially now

A Yorkshire & Humberside branch, with the help of its local organiser, is making sure to touch base personally with every new member during lockdown

Behind the headlines, How to, Magazine on the Magazine site.

UNISON wins U-turn for trainee nursing associates

Health trust had planned to axe training and cut the pay of its TNAs

Sheffield mental health workers to strike as government cuts put ‘people at risk’

Some people in need not seen for nearly two years

Bradford NHS members suspend strike action

UNISON to present its case to trust for services to remain in-house

Not for the faint of heart

A group of ‘super-paramedics’ are trained for saving lives in the most extreme situations

Behind the headlines, Magazine, UNISON people on the Magazine site.

Yorkshire hospitals strike called off after trust halts privatisation plan

Trust announced that it has scrapped plans to create a wholly-owned subsidiary after angry response at staff meetings

Branch appeals for donations to hardship fund as workers start two weeks on the picket line for sick pay from international company worth hundreds of millions

Hull recycling workers strike for sick pay

Branch appeals for donations to hardship fund as workers start two weeks on the picket line for sick pay from international company worth hundreds of millions

Harrogate NHS members reject plans to transfer them to private company

Consultative ballot sees 97% say ‘No’ to plans by North Yorkshire trust to move their jobs to a wholly owned subsidiary

Graphic from the cover of the ethical care charter document

Sheffield signs up to the Ethical Care Charter

Yorkshire council becomes the largest local authority to sign UNISON’s charter

Yorkshire ambulance paramedics win pay rise

Agreement reached on regrading to reflect paramedics’ skills as UNISON prepared for industrial action ballot

The values I grew up with are the same as those at the heart of this great union

The values that I grew up with in Leeds are the values that are at the heart of our great union, driving the members, activists and staff who achieve so much. And they’re what I’m proud to fight for each day as your general secretary.