Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: 30 years of UNISON

1993 was a year of exceptional events – and UNISON being formed was one

Photo of male healthworker in mask and cap

Care sector should look to the NHS for inspiration

We must grasp the chance to fix the broken care system

Change the record, not just the DJ

Theresa May can leave Downing Street, but the country won’t notice a difference while the Conservative Party remains in power.

Home ownership now little more than a pipe dream for public sector workers

Owning a home has become virtually impossible for many public sector workers across Britain, according to research published today (Sunday)

Tax cut for rich means billions lost to Exchequer

Cutting income tax for people earning more than £1m per year has deprived the Exchequer of more than £11.1bn over the past sixyears, according to new analysis by UNISON published today (Sunday). The government’s decision to reduce the top rate of income tax from 50p to 45p in April 2013 has also saved the rich […]

Two new senior appointments at UNISON

Margaret Thomas and Emilie Oldknow are to become assistant general secretaries

Steep rise in reported assaults against NHS staff, says UNISON

Last year in England physical assaults on NHS staff rose by nearly 10% compared to 2015/16, according to new figures published today (Tuesday) by UNISON and HSJ. The figures were obtained following a Freedom of Information (FoI) request – submitted by HSJ working on behalf of UNISON – to all the 244 NHS trusts in […]

UNISON launches new mobile face-to-face advice service for workers in Edinburgh and the Lothians

UNISON is today (Friday) launching a new face-to-face advice service for employees working in care homes, GP practices or out in the community. The mobile advice unit – a custom-made vehicle with an office and internet access – will cover workplaces in Edinburgh and the Lothians. The mobile unit is expected to help thousands of workers […]

More than 40% of the UK’s school kitchen staff are in debt due to low pay, says UNISON

Four in ten (41%) school kitchen staff are worried about their pay, with one in five (21%) earning the minimum wage, a new UNISON survey published today (Friday) has revealed.

UNISON shows its continuing commitment to adult learning

UNISON renews learning agreements to benefit public service workers

Scrapping unfair parking charges ‘is the right thing to do’, says UNISON

Welcoming the Labour Party’s pledge to end hospital parking charges for patients, visitors and NHS staff, UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said: “The cost of hospital parking is heaping excessive financial pressure on health employees who’ve gone for years without a decent pay rise. “Extortionate parking costs are bad enough, but NHS staff are also […]

Eric Roberts, UNISON President, at the UNISON National Delegate Conference

Remembering Eric

I will miss his honesty. I will miss his infectious personality. But most of all I will miss his friendship. Eric Roberts was a good man who gave so much to so many people. Eric said upon his election as President that UNISON was the “best union in the country”, but the truth is that Eric was the best of us.

We can’t turn the clock back on Brexit, but let’s use the negotiations to build a better future, says UNISON’s Dave Prentis

Sunday 11 September 2016 For immediate release The government must use the Brexit negotiations to build a new, fairer Britain, and should start by throwing off the shackles of austerity, says UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis today (Sunday). Speaking in the debate on the impact of the EU referendum vote upon the UK economy and […]

Herts NHS cash-for-pensions deal is ‘morally wrong’ and ‘legally suspect’, says UNISON

12 September 2016 Unions will today (Monday) be protesting outside Lister Hospital in Stevenage against an offer of cash incentives by East and North Hertfordshire NHS trust to nurses who opt out of the NHS pension scheme. The trust is offering higher salaries to new starters and existing staff in a bid to fill 200 nursing […]