Mother and baby

Survey reveals impact on families of low maternity pay

Statutory maternity pay, at 47% of the national living wage and 37% of women’s median incomes, is forcing new mothers back to work early or into debt

Lady justice

Workers’ protections at risk as EU Law bill moves through Parliament

The bill now moves to committee stage, where UNISON will submit expert evidence on why a bonfire of workers’ rights is a bad idea

Graphic representation of five silhouette heads of diverse women

The Retained EU Law Bill: An attack on working women

“Jacob Rees-Mogg is determined to throw women back to the ’70s. UNISON, and the 1.3 million people who make up our membership, will not stand to let this happen”

Torso of a pregnant woman, with hands supporting belly

Help boost protection for pregnant women and new parents

UNISON has been working with Dan Jarvis MP on the issue and with a second reading of a private member’s bill due this Friday, you can help ensure it gains support

Torso of a pregnant woman, with hands supporting belly

Blog: the plight of pregnant workers in the age of COVID

Julia O’Connell, the vice chair of UNISON’s national women’s committee, explains what’s it like to be pregnant – and working – during COVID-19