Blog: A masterclass in smoke and mirrors

The chancellor’s budget statement is not what we expect from politicians who claim that theirs is the real party of public services

Any public pay award below ​cost of living ​is a wage cut

Pay freeze should never have been imposed

Pay freeze will continue “in all but name” unless government departments get extra money

Holding down public sector pay was height of folly

“Out of touch speech” shows PM has no idea of the issues affecting ordinary families, says UNISON

Public sector staff mustn’t see their pay slip further behind

UNISON campaign urges public to use votes to show support for public service staff

Pay freeze should be on voters’ minds

UK bank note and coins

Public services pay freeze – UNISON takes the fight to Tory MPs

Red wall Tories to learn the reality of working in public services through the pandemic

‘We’ll fight the public sector pay freeze’

UNISON makes plans to fight the public sector pay freeze and pays tribute to Dave Prentis at his final NEC meeting before retirement

‘There is an alternative to austerity’

UNISON general secretary uses Labour conference to call for an end to the cuts, privatisation and pay freezes that are ‘destroying lives’