Sheep grazing under a tree

Holding back the flood on food safety

Local government pledges continued campaign against privatisation and deregulation of meat hygiene service

The UK’s disappearing meat hygiene inspectors

Between March 2013 and April 2017, the number of meat inspectors employed by the independent Food Standards Agency (FSA) dropped by 30%

TTIP: A threat to the food on your plate

UNISON and War on Want have launch a new film highlighting the threat to our food posed by the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

Scrapping meat inspectors could have deadly consequences says UNISON report

UK consumers face a heightened risk of food poisoning from chicken purchased in supermarkets and restaurants if independent meat inspectors are removed from slaughterhouses

UNISON renews calls for CCTV in abattoirs

UNISON has repeated its call for CCTV cameras to be installed in all slaughterhouses, following new reports of animal mistreatment.

Public health in grave danger if slaughterhouses inspect own meat

UNISON, which represents more than 500 meat inspectors, official veterinarians and support staff, is warning that the measures would place public health in grave danger

The scandal of profits before food safety

Dave Prentis puts the case to Guardian readers for UNISON members carrying out a vital role

Pig meat inspection health risk to consumers

Consumers need to know that any decisions about meat inspection are being made in their best interests