UNISON protests to Jeremy Hunt about huge NHS contract award

Union writes to the Secretary of State for Health asking him not to allow the award of a huge NHS contract to a private company

Suffolk community healthcare to return to NHS

After three years in the hands of private company Serco, Suffolk’s community healthcare is being returned to NHS control on 1 October this year

Mothers march for the NHS

Campaigners set off from Jarrow to make 999 call for the NHS to Parliament – find out how you can join in and support the marchers

UNISON to launch public services manifesto

With less than a year to go to the general election, UNISON is launching its manifesto for public services

NHS future top issue at the general election, as strike ballot looms

UNISON delegates spoke in defence of an NHS that is “under almost constant attack” from the Tory-led government while health members were told to expect to ballot on industrial action later this year

EPSU leader spells out the Europe we want

EPSU general secretary Jan Willem Goudriaan’s message to UNISON’s local government conference was that we could change Europe for the betterment of the majority of its people

Prentis pledges that UNISON will stop Tories destroying the NHS

UNISON will take on the government to stop it dismantling the NHS, pledges general secretary at opening of the union’s annual health conference in Brighton

UNISON demands apology over NHS Wales claims

UNISON Cymru/Wales has called on the prime minister to apologise to the NHS Wales workforce after Nuffield Trust report demonstrates that Welsh health services are not failing to keep pace with the rest of the UK

NHS Property Services begins consultation

Consultation follows decision that current design cannot meet the challenges of the NHS

Help stop the hospital closure clause

The government wants to make it easy to close wards, departments and even hospitals: take action now to stop them

Khan urges members to become politically involved

Addressing the UNISON Black members’ conference, Sadiq Khan MP issued a rallying call for delegates to increase their political involvement

Hunt putting finance before patients, says UNISON

Attempts to derail pay process will undermine NHS in England, and threaten services

Prentis tells crowd government is privatising the NHS

UNISON general secretary tells protestors about what is happening to our National Health Service

Thousands march to defend the NHS

With coaches still bringing people into Manchester, thousands set off in protest at the Conservatives’ attempts to sell off the service for profit

Crowds arrive to answer the call for our NHS

UNISON members and supporters flooded into Manchester this morning, ready to march past the Conservative Party conference in support of the NHS