Photo of entrance to Salisbury district hospital, with ambulance in the driveway

‘Cocktail of calamities’ pushing people into A&E

Responding to the Care Quality Commission’s annual state of care report published today (Tuesday), UNISON head of health Sara Gorton said: “There’s not enough funding for social care, and out of hours support and NHS 111 are a mess. “This cocktail of calamities is pushing people into A&E who shouldn’t be there, with patients and staff the […]

Consensus on NHS workforce plans encouraging but need for extra funding mustn’t be forgotten

New funding must allow existing staff to develop their careers and a comprehensive and rewarding apprenticeship programme is needed to bring new recruits into the NHS

Nursery school funding welcome but more needed, says UNISON

Commenting on the government’s announcement of £24 million in additional interim funding for maintained nursery schools, UNISON head of education Jon Richards said: “This additional funding gives welcome breathing space, but nursery schools need long-term certainty, rather than stop-gap measures. “However, hundreds of council-run nurseries and children’s centres, often in deprived areas, are still facing […]

UNISON responds to IFS report on NHS funding

Any future financial settlement for the NHS must factor in the costs of having a fairly rewarded and growing workforce

Unions call for more investment in further education

General secretary Dave Prentis signs joint letter to chancellor Philip Hammond ahead of autumn statement

Sixth-form colleges need funding protection, says UNISON

“Sixth form colleges need the same funding protection as schools,” says UNISON in the wake of a report from the Sixth Form College Association highlighting the scale of funding cuts