View of the conference backdrop and rostrum from the side of the hall

Police staff: More needs to be done on pay

UNISON police and justice conference hears emergency motions calling for a fair pay award as staff anger rises over government’s 0% ‘rise’

Sarah Jones MP, Labour shadow minister for police, addressing UNISON police and justice conference

‘There’s a big job to be done,’ says shadow police minister

Addressing UNISON police and justice conference, Sarah Jones says the murder of Sarah Everard ‘must be a watershed moment’

Police and justice conference platform and rostrum

Police and justice delegates stress frontline pandemic role

Delegates to UNISON’s first live conference since the beginning of COVID-19, push on with a packed schedule

Jon Richards addressing conference

‘The country owes you’, police and justice conference hears

Assistant general secretary delivers message from Christina McAnea, while also saying that there is money for the government to pay public service workers more