Funding and the Community and Voluntary Sector

Conference acknowledges that a key issue for the community and voluntary sector is funding, which affects the quality of services and the pay and rewards for staff who deliver them. In particular, community and voluntary sector organisations with short term funding arrangements are likely to experience cuts or even closure when funding stops. Conference notes […]

Reimbursement of extra expense incurred as a result of attending court at short notice

Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to enter into negotiations at the Police Staff Council to reimburse the additional costs (i.e. childcare) incurred by Police Staff when attending court on behalf of the Police Authority at short notice.

Agency Workers in Local Government

This Conference notes: 1)The large number of staff employed as agency staff within local government 2)That the employers in local government use agency staff as a measure to deal with what are long term recruitment and retention problems which are attributable to poor pay, terms and conditions 3)Agency staff are also used as a measure […]

Privatisation of Education

Conference notes with concern the undermining of comprehensive education and the incremental and multi faceted process of privatisation and the continued marketisation of education which has taken place since 1997 through private management of state schools; privatisation of LEA functions; and the continued use of PFI. The Government’s 5 year strategy for education will speed […]

Facility Time and Shift workers

This Conference is concerned at the continued difficulties faced by UNISON activists who are shift workers. It is likely that shift workers bear the brunt of inadequate facility time because: 1) Police Staff work in posts where release is more difficult because of their involvement in direct emergency service delivery 2) Facilities agreements do not […]

Serious Organised Crime and Police Bill

This Conference welcomes the provision of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Bill which allows for the further expansion of Police Staff into more front line roles within the Police Service. However Conference is concerned that the provision of Police Staff in the role of designated custody officer could lead to the privatisation of custody […]

Police Staff Discipline

Police employers approach discipline in a unique manner, it is often a mixture of criminal and employment procedures. Police Staff are often treated like criminals on occasion and suffer unnecessary distress as a result. Conference believes that Police Staff should be treated appropriately. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to provide appropriate guidance, including legal […]

National Terms and conditions

Conference condemns the employers’ attempts to minimise and bring into disrepute the National terms and conditions as negotiated by the Police Staff Council. The term ‘voluntary’ as used by the employers and as indicated on their website, creates a nonsensical approach to legally agreed and binding agreements. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to use […]

Local Negotiations

Conference is concerned by the difficulties branches may be having with local negotiations based on the implementation of the Police Staff Handbook. Conference condemns the actions of certain unscrupulous employers in their approach to local negotiation. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to provide written advice and guidance, and support to Police branches for the […]

Serious and Organised Crime Agency Shadow Sector Committee

This Conference recognises that it is essential for UNISON to be properly organised to represent members’ interests in the Serious and Organised Crime Agency (SOCA). UNISON has members in the National Crime Squad (NCS), and National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) who will transfer under TUPE to SOCA on 1 April 2006. In preparation for this […]

Police Efficiency Strategy

Conference is extremely concerned that the Home Office, ACPO and APA are making decisions on the Government’s Efficiency Strategy for the Police Service without proper consultation with UNISON or other representative bodies. Conference notes in particular: 1) the Home Office has refused to set up machinery to enable a social partnership approach to police efficiency […]

Annual Report

This Conference receives the report of the Police Staff Service Group Executive.

Equal Pay and Sex Discrimination in the Police Service

Conference welcomes the emphasis on tackling equal pay set out in the Police Staff Council Trade Union Side’s submission to the PSC Pay and Reward Review – “Closing the Gap”. Conference reaffirms its intention that equal pay be properly tackled in the police service. However, Conference remains very concerned that: 1) few police forces have […]

Pensions and Industrial Action Procedures

This Conference is extremely aggrieved at the reluctance of our Union not to have taken the Local Government Pension Scheme campaign on a national basis but to leave it to a Service Group to take action therefore excluding other affected Service Groups. This Conference feels alienated by this action. This Conference instructs the Service Group […]

National Code of Conduct/Disp. Procedure

This Conference notes that despite last year’s Conference decision to produce joint guidelines to all Police Branches and Force HR Heads – no progress has been made on a formal agreed National protocol. This failure has seriously disadvantaged the representation of our membership. Conference therefore instructs the Service Group Executive to act immediately to: 1) […]