Public services and EU exit

Conference, on behalf of public service workers in the East Midlands and the rest of the UK, is horrified at how the UK Government has conducted EU exit negotiations so far. The turmoil in the Westminster Parliament does not give workers any confidence that their best interests are being served whatever deals or legislation finally […]

Oppose the imposition of Pay Awards and protect Collective Bargaining in the Environment Agency

This Conference notes with alarm the stance that the Environment Agency took in imposing the 2018 Pay Award on its employees, following the announcement by all trade unions who consulted their members that there was overwhelming rejection of the 2018 Pay Award. The employer took little time to consider the news of rejection and simply […]


Conference recognises that apprenticeships can be a useful tool that provides individuals with a real chance of gaining meaningful employment and addressing the skills gap in the workplace. The UK’s skill shortage is costly, damaging to growth, and could worsen because the skills that we need are changing and this could be compounded as Brexit […]

Abolish NHS Car Parking Charges

The exorbitant cost of car parking at hospitals and GP surgeries is putting an increasing financial burden on patients and carers, especially women who are traditionally the main carers for elderly family and children who need routine and regular appointments. For more serious ailments and long term stays in hospital, the cost become so expensive […]

Review of the Devolution Protocol

Post Brexit political scene merely heightens the constitutional debate in a “disunited kingdom” of growing civic nationalism and regionalisation, the unsettled will for political change, the growing plurality of politics, which will have further implications for government and governance. In turn, these are issues of plurality and diversification for the trade union to address in […]

Disability History Month

Conference believes that UNISON should celebrate Disability History Month on an annual basis. Disability History Month was set up in 2010 to provide a platform to focus on the work that has been done to fight for equality for disabled people. Each year the month has a theme – for example, the 2018 disability history […]

Water, Environment & Transport Service Group Health and Safety Seminar 2020

Conference notes the success of WET specific Health and Safety seminars in 2016 and 2018. Due to the ever-changing Health and Safety risks experienced by UNISON members employed within the Water, Environment and Transport Service Group, we call upon the Service Group Executive in conjunction with UNISON’s Health and Safety Unit to convene a similar […]

Support for UNISON Representatives in the WET Service Group

As staffing levels plummet in both the public and private sectors, UNISON representatives in the areas covered by the WET Service Group find themselves dealing with more and more cases including those of stress and mental health. This in turn puts pressure on representatives themselves who get personally involved in some such cases and require […]

Dealing with High Temperatures in Workplaces Covered by the Water, Environment and Transport Service Group

In the unexpected heat of the long Summer of 2018, workers employed in the Water, Environment and Transport Service Group experienced difficulties undertaking their normal roles with inadequate provision provided by employers. Whilst mains fed water coolers are becoming more common in our workplaces following a long campaign by our Service Group within UNISON other […]

Annual hearing tests for contact centre workers in the WETSG

Conference notes the continual increase in the number of UNISON members working on phones in contact centres in employers covered by the Water, Environment & Transport Service Group. Currently, United Utilities only provides audio tests for employees reaching the upper noise limits as recommended by the HSE such as operational employees in hearing protection areas. […]

Justice for the Windrush Generation

Arriving in UK between 1942 – 1971 from the Caribbean islands, at the invitation of the then government, came the generation named the ‘Windrush Generation’. The name came from the MV Empire Windrush, which arrived at Tilbury Docks, Essex, on 22 June 1948, bringing workers from Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and other islands, as a […]

Composite Amendment 7

In first paragraph, delete all after “(LGBT+) people,” in second sentence and insert “disabled people, women, and Black people, to consider apprenticeships. Potential members of the network have to demonstrate their commitment to make measurable improvements to diversity.” Insert new third paragraph: “Conference notes the disability employment gap is nearly 30%. There is limited research […]

Tackling Stress, Bullying and Harassment

Conference understands the huge scale of harm being caused to members by work-related stress, including wrecked lives and relationships, debilitating mental and physical illness and sometimes, tragically, death. Such misery is often compounded by the insensitive treatment of victims by some employers who, far from acknowledging their own responsibility for causing excessive workplace stress, seek […]

The Crisis in Social Care

Conference notes with alarm the ongoing crisis in social care and continues to be appalled by the cuts being made to vital social care services. Conference notes that, although social care has been relatively protected compared to other council services, care spending per adult resident has fallen substantially since 2009-10. Conference believes that the sector […]

Housing Crisis

Conference recognises that high housing costs and affordability are among the biggest issues facing the workforce in the South East and nationally, and affecting where they can live, what they can access and what they can afford. According to the National Housing Federation, there was a shortfall of over 85,000 homes in the South East […]