Rule K 2 (i) Legal Assistance Qualifications

Rule K 2(i) Delete and replace with: “2(i) The member must have been in membership of the Union for at least 4 weeks prior to the member knowing that she/he had need of legal assistance and seeks legal assistance from the Union.”


Conference notes that the term ‘flexicurity’ and its basic principles have been adopted by European Union (EU) leaders when on the 13th December 2007 they rubberstampted the renamed EU constitution in Lisbon, Portugal. This term has been introduced by the European Commission to suggest that if a worker accepts flexibility, job security at work will […]

Moving Beyond the Two-Tier Workforce

Conference notes that there have been at least six different agreements in operation that attempt to protect the terms and conditions of staff working for contractors on public service contracts, including new starters. They each apply to different sectors, devolved administrations, occupational groups whilst some sectors do not even have this minimalist protection (eg Academies, […]

Pay Campaign Lessons of 2007

This Conference believes that a successful pay campaign needs to be conducted prior to the wage year rather than during it. To be balloting for industrial action in October 2007 to take action in November, eight months after the wage claim should have been implemented was a recipe for failure. In future our claim needs […]

Public Sector Pension Funds – Responsible Contractor Investment Policy

Conference notes that the pension funds of UNISON members, particularly those in Local Government and Higher Education are increasingly invested in companies and Private Finance Initiative (PFI) projects that deliver public services under a contract to a public body. Many of these companies employ UNISON members working on such contracts. Because of such pension fund […]

Rule B 1 At Work and in the Community

Rule B.1 Add new B.1.12 “12. To promote and pursue environmental sustainability in all our work.”

Defending, Celebrating and Improving the National Minimum Wage as it reaches its 10th year

Conference is proud of the role UNISON played with other in the labour movement in the creation of the national minimum wage (NMW) which was first introduced on 1st April 1999. Conference believes that the introduction of the NMW is one of the finest achievements of Labour in Government. Since its introduction the NMW has […]

Supporting Show Racism The Red Card

Conference welcomes the President’s choice of Show Racism The Red Card as her project for her term of office. Show Racism The Red Card is an anti-racist educational charity. Its aim is to combat racism through enabling role models, who are predominantly but not exclusively footballers, to present an anti-racist message to young people and […]

Organising Administrative & Clerical Staff

Conference recognises that many of the attacks on the NHS over the last few years have centred on Administrative and Clerical staff. These include: – 1)Outsourcing and offshoring medical secretarial work; 2)Centralisation of payroll functions; 3)Privatisation of payroll functions; 4)The wholescale privatisation of logistics in England. As the pressure for “efficiency savings” grows, workforce plans […]

AFC – Resourcing the Knowledge and Skills Framework

Conference welcomes the re-launch of the Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) in 2007 and recognises that this aspect of Agenda for Change had been severely compromised by financial constraints. Despite these positive developments Conference remains concerned that resources allocated for application of staff training and development including the KSF are most vulnerable in times of […]

Private Contractors and the KSF

This conference welcomes the framework agreement which has rolled out Agenda for Change into the private contractors who currently operate in the NHS. Conference believes that this should apply to the whole agreement and is concerned that a commitment to learning and development of staff may be lost. Conference calls on the Health Service Group […]

Agenda for Change – On-Call Review

Conference notes that the current unsocial hours review proposals exclude on-call arrangements that are to be dealt with separately. Conference also notes that on-call arrangements have a particular relevance for minority staff groups, including those represented through UNISON’s Professional and Technical B Sector, and have a lesser impact on the majority of NHS staff and […]

Privatisation of Patient Transport Services

Conference notes with concern the continuing threat to Patient Transport Services (PTS) posed by privatisation including a reduction in patient transport care levels and the creation of a two-tier PTS workforce. Conference also notes the damaging effect this outsourcing has on NHS Ambulance Trusts’ capacity to provide comprehensive back up and support to their front […]

MUFTI Allowance

Since the implementation of Agenda for change, many NHS employers have discontinued the practice of paying ‘mufti’ allowance . A Q& A issued from the Staff Council stated: Section 19, annex O “We have been asked for advice on ‘MUFTI’ allowances. There is no national provision for this within Agenda for Change. MUFTI is not […]

Health Pay Ballot 2007

This conference notes: The ruling made under the democracy in UNISON guidelines which prevented branches from campaigning for or against this year’s pay offer, following no recommendation from the service group. This Conference believes: This ruling is a new interpretation – inconsistent with the practice during the agenda for change debates and ballot. In this […]