Arms Length Management Organisation for Council Housing

This Conference notes with alarm the speed at which Arms Length Management Organisations (ALMOs) have been pushed through by central Government. John Prescott’s office has been pushing ahead with ALMOs despite the fact that: 1)Financially, start up costs have been massive 2)They have expanded the amount of highly paid Managers while effects on employment contracts […]

Bargaining for Better Green Staff Travel

Conference recognises the importance of reducing road congestion, environmental pollution and the adverse health impacts that are caused to members and the community from Britain’s over-reliance on private transport. Conference supports key measures, such as pollution and car reduction targets and local transport planning, at national and local government levels in response to international agreements […]

Sustainable Development

Conference recognises that an effective global strategy on sustainable development is crucial for the long term well-being of the planet. Such a strategy has to be embraced by all global participants including the richest and most powerful. Conference is proud of UNISON’s record on campaigning for sustainable development and our reputation which has put us […]

Regional Cost of Living Supplement

National Delegate Conference reaffirms UNISON’s support for equity of access to high quality public services for all citizens. In particular we oppose any postcode lottery in service provision, which systematically disadvantages citizens in particular geographical areas. Likewise UNISON must oppose any postcode lottery in the living standards of public servants in general and UNISON members […]

Asylum Seekers’ Rights

Conference notes: 1)a media-orchestrated campaign to promote hostility against asylum seekers by linking refugees and immigrants with terrorism, criminality and scrounging on the benefits system; 2)the racially motivated murders of three asylum seekers in the past two years; 3)Tory Party proposals to lock up all new asylum applicants on national security grounds, pending checks on […]

Criminal Records Bureau and “Disclosure”

Conference notes: 1)The importance of ensuring that young people and vulnerable adults are protected from members of society who may wish to cause them physical, mental or sexual harm; 2)That the Government has introduced the “Disclosure” process in order to achieve these aims; 3)We continue to support the Government in achieving these goals. Conference believes […]

Frozen Holiday Pay

This Conference notes with concern that unknown thousands of UNISON’s lowest paid members including catering assistants, cleaners, care workers and gardeners who work for local authorities and in the private sector (because of outsourcing) are still owed varying amounts of leave entitlement which was placed in suspension over twenty years ago. Conference is also concerned […]

Protection of Children Legislation – Advising and Representing Members

Conference notes that under the Labour Government there has been a great deal of new legislation with the aim of protecting children from harm as well as certain administrative changes in this area. This includes: 1) the Care Standards Act 2001 which amended the Children Act 1989 and led to new regulations in 2002 to […]

White Ribbon Day

Conference notes that In 1999 the United Nations officially recognised White Ribbon Day on 25th November each year, as International Day Against Violence Towards Women. It is the beginning of 16 days of activism worldwide – days which include World Aids Day (1st December), and Human Rights Day (10th December). In the UK, White Ribbon […]

Breast Cancer Screening Challenge Campaign

Conference is concerned at the ever-increasing number of women suffering from breast cancer and the postcode lottery of treatment and survival rates that still operate throughout the United Kingdom and blights women’s lives. This Conference is concerned that women living in rural areas/small towns are only invited for breast cancer screening when the mobile unit […]


Conference is concerned that Britain’s public transport system continues to suffer from years of neglect and under-investment. Conference welcomes the Government’s commitment to increase investment over the next ten years, but believes that bus deregulation and rail privatisation will make it difficult to achieve the Government’s transport strategy, which aims to create a fully integrated […]

Single Status

This Conference notes the continuing debacle whereby the majority of Council’s have failed to implement Single Status: 1)That Job Evaluations under the National or London Schemes have not been carried out. Our members continue to be paid with out of date grades and job descriptions. That there is no prospect of equal pay issues, particularly […]

Life Long Learning

Conference congratulates UNISON on its excellent Lifelong Learning Programme, which is encouraging an increasing number of members to return to learning. However, Conference believes that further positive measures should be implemented to ensure the increased participation of women in education and training as a precondition for increased empowerment and gender equality. Conference remains extremely concerned […]

Term Time Workers

The National Women’s Committee welcomes the work that UNISON has done on highlighting particular issues affecting term time workers and their employment status and the campaign for improvements in their terms and conditions of employment. The rights of term time workers are often inferior due to qualifying periods based on weeks worked and diluted annualised […]

Equal Pay

Conference welcomes the work done by the National Women’s Committee to promote UNISON’s equal pay campaign. Conference is pleased to note that the campaign for equal pay remains a priority area for UNISON nationally, which means that it should be prioritised for action in all service groups and regions. Conference also welcomes the announcement of […]