LGBT Representatives in Energry

Conference welcomes the Energy Executive’s continuing support for equal opportunities through the Business and Environment Equal Opportunities Working Group (BEEOWG) and the continued success of the annual equalities seminar. Conference notes that LGBT members within the Energy sector are becoming better organised and now have an email mailing list that allows regular communication with members […]

Fuel Poverty and the Energy Bill

Conference welcomes the publication of the report produced by the National Right to Fuel Campaign with support from UNISON that highlighted the extremely high prices being charged to consumers by the energy companies. Conference also endorses UNISON’s call for an Inquiry by the Competition Commission into the energy market and the imposition of a windfall […]

A Future Sustainable Energy Industry

Conference welcomes UNISON’s approach to the UK’s future energy needs. It is clear that to develop a sustainable energy industry capable of meeting the legitimate needs of the public will require a mixed approach to generation. This must include a significant role for renewables and micro generation for small scale use, particularly for the domestic […]

Global Warming Effects

Conference notes with concern the dramatic effect flooding had across many parts of the UK during 2007. Most experts including the Environment Agency and many climatologists are attributing the events to global warming. The 2007 floods showed how unprepared we are to deal with the consequences of localised flooding, let alone rising sea levels. The […]

Centrica Pensions

This Conference notes with concern the policy of companies within the energy industry to close final salary pension schemes. This has moved forward with the announcement by Centrica pensions to fundamentally change their entire pension portfolio, where the protected final salary scheme is to be transferred resulting in increased contributions and reduced benefits for our […]

Positive Revision of PSC Handbook

The Police Staff Council (PSC) handbook has been used for some years. There is now a need to review the handbook in order to ensure it is meeting our member’s needs. For example, in recognition of widespread current practice relating to leave where reference is made to a ‘day’ or ‘days’, the handbook could make […]