Underachievement and Exclusion of Black School Children

This Conference believes black children, and especially black boys, are being failed by the education system, with OFSTED reporting “inequalities of attainment in GCSE examinations place African-Caribbean, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi pupils in a disadvantaged position in the youth education, labour, and training markets, and increase the likelihood of social and economic exclusion in later life….in […]

Report on Review of Black Members’ Organisation

Conference applauds the contributions of the National Black Members’ Committee (NBMC), regional black members’ groups, branch black members’ groups, and the black women’s, the black lesbian and gay members’ and the black disabled members’ caucuses to the final report on the review of Black Members’ Organisation in UNISON. Conference welcomes the final report and sees […]

Recruitment into Local Authorities

Conference believes that despite legislation of the Race Relations Amendments Act local authorities in Great Britain are not doing enough to recruit black people into their organisations. Conference also believes that UNISON should form a broad based coalition with other unions to redress this unfair situation. Conference therefore asks the National Executive Council to instruct […]

Amnesty International and Afghan Prisoners

Conference notes the call of Amnesty International for a public inquiry into the mass killings of Afghan prisoners at the Kala-I Janghi Fort and other parts of Afghanistan and is conscious of the presence of British and United States (US) Special Forces on site during the massacre and heavy bombardment of the prisoners by the […]

Use of Child Soldiers in Warfare

Conference notes with grave concern that 300,000 children, boys and girls, are fighting as soldiers with government armed forces and armed opposition groups in more than 30 countries worldwide. Conference further notes that children are particularly at risk in Africa, parts of the Far East, Asia, the Pacific and the Caribbean. The use of children […]


Conference strongly believes it is now time for the international community to end the ten year war and sanctions against Iraq. Conference further notes that United Nations Humanitarian Co-ordinator, Hans Von Sponeck, has directly attributed over 350 civilian deaths and 1,000 civilian casualties to the United States and United Kingdom bombing of Iraq over the […]

War on Palestine

This Conference notes with grave concern that: 1)The Israeli Government has declared war against the Palestinian Authority. The situation inside the compound of Palestine is very disturbing not only for Palestine but also for the international communities; 2)There have been no medical and food supplies left and that there are still casualties that require urgent […]


Conference looks forward to the return of Pakistan to full membership of the Commonwealth and recalls the commitment made by General Musharraf of a return of democratic government in Pakistan. We urge the National Black Members’ Committee, National Executive Council, International Committee, National Affiliated Political Fund and UNISON Link MPs to: 1)Press the Government of […]

Rights of Dalit Peoples

Conference is deeply disappointed that the World Conference Against Racism held in Durban in August of last year failed to address the issue of caste discrimination and related forms of discrimination based on work and descent. Conference recognises the positive contribution to the Conference of Dalit representatives from India and of affected people from several […]

War Against Terrorism and US Policy on Nuclear Weapons

Conference strongly believes that an inability to discover where Osama bin Laden is must not used as a pretext to extend the war against Afghanistan into other countries. The United States (US) has made it clear that it intends to send military action against Iraq, Somalia, Sudan or any of the 60 countries on the […]