Getting Noticed

Conference notes that the Service Group appears not to have made use of the Labour Link or the GPF in its campaigning agenda. Conference believes that the SGE should make contact with the GPF and the APF with a view to maximising the facilities and possible funding available to assist the service group. Conference instructs […]

Regional Organisation in Further Education & Sixth Form Colleges

This Conference congratulates its members working in further education colleges on the first national strike across the sector. It notes their success in achieving an improved offer for members despite continued intransigence from the employer’s side. However, the Conference recognises the need to build on the success of this action to improve levels of organisation […]

Exigencies of Service

That this Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to investigate and make recommendations as to the definition of the term ‘exigencies’ in the Police Support Staff Council Handbook and/or similarly seeks an alternative word or phrase which brings clarity and removes ambiguity from its intention. This work should also run in parallel with the review […]

Service Confidence procedures

Conference condemns the proposals of ACPO to introduce service confidence procedures into the police service. The proposals suggest that staff can have punitive measures taken against them without the right to a fair hearing or knowing the nature of the allegations. Conference believes this to be unacceptable. Conference believes that all staff have the right […]

Job Evaluation Scheme

Conference is concerned at the low level of take-up in the PSSC Single Status Job Evaluation Scheme (PSSC Scheme 1). In a national survey carried out in 2002 results showed that: 1)three forces have no job evaluation scheme at all, one of which is now facing equal pay claims from UNISON; 2)three forces have not […]

International Ties and Solidarity

Conference notes the ties with international forces enjoyed by forces and the support networks such as the Black Police Association. Conference considers that similar ties with like minded bodies to be of great value to the Service group for the purpose of international solidarity and the sharing of good practice. As a young service group […]

Bridging the Gap

Conference understands and supports the close ties between UNISON and the Labour party and would wish to strengthen those ties. Conference also recognises the important role that the other two main political parties have with regard to the police service. Conference believes that key speakers from the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrat Party be […]

Equal Pay

Conference is reminded that two-thirds of UNISON’s police members are women. This is in line with the gender profile of UNISON’s membership nationally. UNISON as a national union is committed to removing all forms of discrimination from the workplace. And the removal of pay discrimination is high on UNISON’s list of priorities. Conference welcomes the […]

Forget League Tables and Find the Funding

Conference condemns the Government’s rating system for local authorities as little more than an attempt to divert public attention away from the real issue of prolonged under-funding. A league table of ratings is so general and simplistic that it will not even provide a realistic basis for identifying to the public which individual pieces within […]

Promotion of Local Government Services Awareness

Conference notes with concern that politician and media references to public services tend to be limited to nurses and teachers or in this last year fire-fighters. UNISON’s largest service group, those who work in local government, have a wide diversity of jobs, but are rarely mentioned. Conference believes that imbalance of awareness needs to be […]

Rule C.2.6 Retired Members

C.2.6.1 delete “immediately”. Add new sub-paragraph: “C.2.6.2Persons in paid employment in areas where UNISON does not organise, eligible for retired membership as set out in C.2.6.1, can apply for retired membership when they cease to be in paid employment.” Renumber old sub-paragraph C.2.6.2 to C.2.6.3 and in second sentence delete “only” Add new sub-paragraphs: “C.2.6.4They […]

End Ring Fencing of Local Government Finance

This Conference notes with concern the continued practice of ring fencing local government finance to initiatives decided by National Governments. The practice of ring fencing has a number of negative effects on local government and these include: 1)The fact that such money is often dressed up in the media as new money for existing services […]

Modernisation of Public Services

Conference notes the continuing commitment of UNISON members in Local Government to improving the quality of services provided to local communities. UNISON members work with the most disadvantaged and vulnerable people in these communities and are fully aware of the need for improvements in the range, quantity and quality of services provided. This is necessary […]

Lack of Recruitment of Disabled Ethnic Minorities Within Police Staffs

This Conference is concerned that Disabled ethnic minority workers experience double disadvantage because of failures in recruitment processes within Police Staffs. Whilst there is a drive to recruit ethnic minorities within the police, there is no focus on targeting disabled ethnic minority staff. Many forces appear to have taken no initiatives to improve the employment […]

Removal of Mandatory Punitive Sanctions

This Service Group Conference instructs the Police Staff Service Group Executive to take the necessary steps through PSSC, ACPO and HMIC to work towards the removal of mandatory punitive sanctions, when used as part of managing attendance policies. Such punitive measures as bans on overtime, promotion and career changes. This would remove the principal inherent […]