Asylum Seekers

Conference notes that the government is determined to introduce still another round of asylum/immigration legislation that will further restrict refugee rights, having already announced dramatic cuts in legal aid for asylum cases. Features of the forthcoming legislation will include: 1)added restrictions on the right to appeal negative decisions, with little or no access to higher […]

Young Lesbians and Gay Men – The Need for a National Strategy

Conference notes that young lesbians and gay men are six times more likely to attempt suicide than other young people. They are also more likely to succeed, so they account for over half of actual youth suicide in the UK. Conference therefore welcomes the repeal of Section 28 as the single most effective step to […]

The Management of Health and Safety Regulations to Include Stress

We call upon Conference to adopt this motion to press for the inclusion of the recognition of stress to be included in regulation 3(1)(a) of The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. The main problems are that under the current legislation there are no laws that recognise work-related stress as an illness. […]

Employment Rights in the UK

Conference welcomes the government’s employment rights bill 2003 but believes that it does not go far enough, leaving workers in Britain with less protection than those employed in the rest of Europe. We welcome those provisions that build on the Employment Rights Act of 1999, improving the process of recognition and establishing important and consultation […]

Fair Play For Front Line Workers

Conference notes with concern: 1)the number of our low paid members in front line public service jobs who have their employment terminated on the grounds of incapacity; 2)that conditions affecting those members, such as vibration white finger, cervical spondylitis, carpel tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow are invariably caused by the nature of the job involving […]

Elderly Persons’ Homes

Conference notes with concern the increasing number of local authority elderly person’s homes which have transferred with the transfer to private companies. Conference believes that a well-funded and accountable local authority provision of this service is essential to the establishment and maintenance of high standards across all providers of this service. Conference also notes that […]

Unexplained Infant Death

Conference acknowledges the gross injustice that has persecuted, separated from their children, and imprisoned women largely on the evidence of an eminent professor. Professor Roy Meadows’ theories on unexplained infant death have been discredited by both the medical profession and the courts. Some women who received custodial sentences have now been released and others are […]

Angela Cannings

Conference congratulates Angela Cannings on winning her appeal in November 2003 against her wrongful conviction for murder for the tragic deaths of her children from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Conference applauds the appeal court judges for accepting the new medical evidence presented which clearly demonstrated a genetic link in cases of multiple SIDS, and […]

Standing Order 2 Standing Orders Committee

Insert new 2.2: “No delegate shall serve on Standing Orders Committee for more than three consecutive years.” Re-number following points.

Organising for Equality for Lesbian Workers

Conference welcomes the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003, which came into force at the end of last year. Lesbians face widespread discrimination and prejudice in the workplace. Until the regulations came into force, they had no legal protection from such discrimination. Conference recognises, however, that laws only make a difference if they are used. […]

The Childcare Challenge

Conference notes with great concern the increasing cost of childcare and the increasing difficulty in finding high quality and flexible childcare places. The typical cost of a full-time nursery place for a child under two is £128 a week, more than £6,650 a year, which is up 6.7 per cent on last year. And in […]

Action on Tackling Domestic Violence and Abuse *

Conference commends UNISON’s partnership work with Women’s Aid and government on tackling domestic violence and abuse. Developing local workplace policies on tackling domestic violence and abuse is an important part of the strategy to reduce violence experienced by members and their families. We should never forget that domestic violence and abuse is a crime. Conference […]

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Women should rightly be proud of their campaigning to draw public attention to the impact of breast cancer – one in every nine women in the United Kingdom continues to develop this disease at some point in her lifetime. During October each year, both cancer charities and women’s organisations make special efforts to publicise the […]

Women’s Organisation

Conference notes and applauds the excellent work taking place in regional women’s groups to promote women’s organisation. Regional groups have used a diverse range of activities to encourage, educate and motivate many women into activity including seminars, guest speakers, workshops and international events. Conference however notes that whilst some branch women’s groups are flourishing it […]

Civil Registered Partnerships

Conference welcomes the Government’s proposals on legal recognition of same sex partnerships through the introduction of a civil registration scheme. Conference believes that formal recognition of same sex relationships will help combat discrimination against lesbians. Conference is concerned, however, that while the proposals bring some advantages, they also introduce or highlight some problems. The proposed […]