Improving UNISON Structures

Conference notes the ongoing progress to make UNISON structures fit for purpose and to ensure that all of our members regardless of where they work have an equally strong voice in their union. Conference agrees that devolution, the ongoing public service reform and outsourcing agenda continue to change the bargaining landscape for many of our […]

Welfare Safety Net

Conference believes that the importance of public services is being seen in this recession as public authorities deal with rising unemployment and social need across the UK. However the welfare safety net has been cut back repeatedly over the last 30 years and benefit levels, particularly Job Seekers Allowance (JSA), are set far below any […]


In this the 50th anniversary year of the Cuban revolution UNISON salutes the people of Cuba and their achievements. UNISON commends the impressive advances that have been made in the fields of health care, education, sustainable development and many others. These advances put Cuba amongst the top rank of nations in terms of human development […]

Funding the Equal Pay Challenge

Conference continues to believe that a principle priority for UNISON is combating pay inequalities and securing equal pay for work of equal value for all our members, in properly evaluated and negotiated framework agreements. Conference notes that establishing equal pay for our members was one of the founding principles of the union. Conference recognises that […]

Public Services

Conference believes that the current recession, caused by the greed and irresponsibility of speculators in the City, demonstrates once again the fundamental importance of public services. Public service workers around the country are on the front line of protecting individuals and communities from the ravages of market forces. In every single service UNISON members must […]

New Challenges for the NHS

Conference congratulates health workers on their hard work, which coupled with increased government funding, has brought about a continuous improvement in the services that patients can expect from the NHS. Waiting times have been reduced to a maximum of 18 weeks from referral to treatment in England, with waiting lists at an all-time low across […]


Rule C 5 Delete existing rule C.5.2 and replace with: “Rule C.5.2 Providing that the applicant is eligible for membership within these Rules and has not previously been expelled or barred from membership of the union, or has previously ceased to be a member whilst a disciplinary charge against her/him was outstanding, she/he shall become […]


Rule D 3.1.1 Delete “Water and Environment” and “Transport”, and insert “Water, Environment and Transport”


Rule D 3.1.1 Add to list of service groups before “Energy”, “Community” Delete Rule D. and D3.7.4 and renumber accordingly


Rule D 3.1.1 Delete “Police Staff” and insert “Police and Justice”

Defending Social Europe

Conference believes that Social Europe, a series of European directives developed over the past 20 years covering amongst other things employment law, health and safety measures and equality is under sustained attack. Conference notes that recent rulings by the European Court of Justice, most notably the Laval, Viking, Rueffert and Luxembourg cases, have clearly established […]

NHS charges

Conference congratulates the devolved administrations in Wales and Scotland on progressive reforms they have made. In particular we commend their abolition of car parking fees at NHS sites and the abolition of NHS prescription charges. Both these charges are in effect a tax on sickness and can amount to considerable sums. These moves are a […]

Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is the fourth most common cause of death from cancer amongst women in the UK. Every year about six thousand women in the UK are diagnosed with this disease. The majority of these cases have only a few symptoms, which are treated as other conditions until finally being diagnosed as ovarian cancer. If […]

Domestic Violence/Abuse

Conference is appalled to note that, according to Home Office statistics, domestic violence accounts for one in six violent incidents as measured by the British Crime Survey, with 85% of those victims being women, and one in four victims having been assaulted three or more times. The government’s national domestic violence delivery plan highlighted action […]


Conference is concerned to hear that the Director of Children’s Services at Plymouth City Council is considering the possibility of setting up academy schools in Plymouth despite having always been against them in the past. Furthermore, it is alarming to hear that the reason for this change of heart is due to Department for Children, […]