Agency Workers in Local Government

This Conference notes: 1)The large number of staff employed as agency staff within local government 2)That the employers in local government use agency staff as a measure to deal with what are long term recruitment and retention problems which are attributable to poor pay, terms and conditions 3)Agency staff are also used as a measure […]

Privatisation of Education

Conference notes with concern the undermining of comprehensive education and the incremental and multi faceted process of privatisation and the continued marketisation of education which has taken place since 1997 through private management of state schools; privatisation of LEA functions; and the continued use of PFI. The Government’s 5 year strategy for education will speed […]

Climate Change

Conference notes the statement of the chairperson of the intergovernmental panel on climate change, Dr Rajendra Pachauri, warning that global warming is nearing a point of no return and calling for very deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. We further note that the United States and Australia continue to refuse to ratify the seven year […]

Sickness Absence

Conference notes: 1)that employers are adopting increasingly draconian procedures which allow for an increase in the disciplining and dismissal of genuinely ill employees; 2)that it is often the case that the same employers are failing to abide by health and safety procedures or the Disability Discrimination Act; 3)that one of the single largest causes of […]


Conference believes that bullying at work, in whatever form, is a major and significant issue which the trade union movement must continue to address and combat. Conference believes that bullying and inappropriate management behaviour can be a major cause of workplace stress and subsequent sickness. Workers then face a double whammy of draconian sickness procedures […]

A Woman’s Place

Conference believes that a woman’s place is in her union and that UNISON should be fully committed to supporting those women who want to play an active part in trade union work. The most recent statistics show that 54 per cent of UNISON branch secretaries are male which is at least 21 per cent higher […]

Privatisation of Education

Conference notes with concern the incremental and multi-faceted process of privatisation and marketisation of education which has taken place under the Labour government through private management of state schools, privatisation of Local Education Authority (LEA) functions and education provision, and use of Private Finance Initiative (PFI). The government’s five year strategy for education will speed […]

Rule D.4.1.4 Self-Organised Groups

Rule D 4.1.4 Delete “lesbian and gay members” Insert “lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members”

Draconian Changes in Terror Trials

The Home Secretary, David Blunkett is proposing a raft of new measures and amendments to existing anti-terrorism legislation which will extend his powers and local law enforcement agencies which include the following:- ·creation of ‘no jury anti-terrorist courts, these are all under the guise of building safe and secure communities ·introduction of special terrorism trials […]


Conference notes that since the formation of UNISON in July 1993, Self-Organised Groups (SOGs), who are an integral part of our union, have been able to send two motions, selected from those submitted to their respective conferences, to the union’s decision-making body, the National Delegate Conference. This Conference believes that in order for all SOGs […]


At the National Delegate Conference in 1997 Conference voted overwhelmingly for paid Black officers in every region – to be available amongst other things, to advise on the quality of representation afforded to Black Members. The union saw fit never to implement this motion despite the motion being union policy. Prior to and since this […]


Since the Amendment to the Race Relations Acts of 1976 and the implementation of the Race Equality Schemes in April 2002, little progress appears to have been made in all of the public sectors. Employers continue to drag their heels and demonstrate lack of enthusiasm regarding producing and implementing their Race Equality Schemes. Conference therefore […]


This Black Members’ Conference notes the Government’s programme of managed migration and acknowledges that there is a need to open a proper debate about the demand for migration workers. If the UK is to sustain its place as the world’s fourth largest economy then migration is needed. Conference believes that as well as accepting the […]

Race Today in Employment

Conference, BME minorities currently make up 8% of the United Kingdom population, and it is estimated that between (1999) and (2009) that BME minorities will account for half the growth in working-age population of the United Kingdom. Conference it is therefore important that the Government in order to make the best use of the talent […]


Conference rejects the presence of the BNP and other far right parties in the UK and condemns its role in the increase in racist abuse and racist attacks against our ethnic minority members and communities. Conference welcomes ongoing initiatives being taken to combat racism and the rise of the BNP, such as the programme of […]