Black Disabled People and the Windrush scandal

Conference condemns the Home Office�s politically motivated decision to classify thousands of long-term British residents as illegal immigrants, forcing many of them out of their jobs and homes, and in extreme cases, resulting in detention and deportation. Conference notes that many victims of the Windrush scandal are Black disabled people and the impact of the […]

Black Disabled People and the Windrush scandal

Conference condemns the Home Office�s politically motivated decision to classify thousands of long-term British residents as illegal immigrants, forcing many of them out of their jobs and homes, and in extreme cases, resulting in detention and deportation. Conference notes that many victims of the Windrush scandal are Black disabled people and the impact of the […]


Conference notes: 1)2019 commemorates the 52nd anniversary of the occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza 2)In 2017 research by War on Want showed that HSBC had invested over �800 million in, and provided syndicated loans worth up to �19 billion for, companies providing weapons and equipment to the Israeli military. These investments […]


Conference notes: 1)2019 commemorates the 52nd anniversary of the occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza 2)In 2017 research by War on Want showed that HSBC had invested over �800 million in, and provided syndicated loans worth up to �19 billion for, companies providing weapons and equipment to the Israeli military. These investments […]

Mind the Gap – Addressing racial disparities in the Public Sector

In 2016 the then prime minister launched an audit to examine racial disparities in public services and across Government � with the intention of influencing policy to solve the problems found. The vast volume of work conducted by the race disparity unit, shone a light on the disparity of experiences between white Britons and those […]

Jamaica – Mining in the Cockpit Country

Conference we should all now be aware of how our environments are changing. Therefore, the impact Mining in the Cockpit Country Jamaica should be of great concern to all and not just Jamaican people or those who have relatives there. The mining of land in this area can be likened to the Amazon Rainforest. The […]

Jamaica – Mining in the Cockpit Country

Conference we should all now be aware of how our environments are changing. Therefore, the impact Mining in the Cockpit Country Jamaica should be of great concern to all and not just Jamaican people or those who have relatives there. The mining of land in this area can be likened to the Amazon Rainforest. The […]

Challenging racism and disability discrimination in the workplace: An intersectional approach

Conference notes that Black workers face numerous barriers in the workplace due to racism and that UNISON works hard to combat this through programmes such as Challenging Racism in the Workplace. However many disabled Black workers face multiple discrimination in the workplace. In particular, Black workers can find it difficult to access reasonable adjustments at […]

BREXIT and Black Workers

Conference notes that in June 2017, Theresa May, finally set out the UK Government�s position on the future rights of EU citizens, which on paper offers those who arrive lawfully before Brexit the chance to build up the same rights to work, healthcare and benefits as UK citizens. However, this offer lacks detail, is likely […]

Mind the Gap – Addressing racial disparities in the Public Sector

In 2016 the then prime minister launched an audit to examine racial disparities in public services and across Government � with the intention of influencing policy to solve the problems found. The vast volume of work conducted by the race disparity unit, shone a light on the disparity of experiences between white Britons and those […]

Mind the Gap – Addressing racial disparities in the Public Sector

In 2016 the then prime minister launched an audit to examine racial disparities in public services and across Government � with the intention of influencing policy to solve the problems found. The vast volume of work conducted by the race disparity unit, shone a light on the disparity of experiences between white Britons and those […]

Black Disabled People and the Windrush scandal

Conference condemns the Home Office�s politically motivated decision to classify thousands of long-term British residents as illegal immigrants, forcing many of them out of their jobs and homes, and in extreme cases, resulting in detention and deportation. Conference notes that many victims of the Windrush scandal are Black disabled people and the impact of the […]

BREXIT and Black Workers

Conference notes that in June 2017, Theresa May, finally set out the UK Government�s position on the future rights of EU citizens, which on paper offers those who arrive lawfully before Brexit the chance to build up the same rights to work, healthcare and benefits as UK citizens. However, this offer lacks detail, is likely […]


Conference notes: 1)2019 commemorates the 52nd anniversary of the occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza 2)In 2017 research by War on Want showed that HSBC had invested over �800 million in, and provided syndicated loans worth up to �19 billion for, companies providing weapons and equipment to the Israeli military. These investments […]

Stop Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa

This conference notes the growing xenophobic attack on African migrants in South Africa and wish to condemn the actions of a few minority ignorant groups who has forgotten history so quickly. Attack on persons and businesses on African migrants have increased at an alarming rate In recent months. Migrants have been murdered, their businesses burnt […]