Housing Is A Women’s Issue

Conference notes: Women are disadvantaged compared to men in terms of housing in many ways. On average, women have lower incomes and less capital than men. As a result, they tend to be disadvantaged in a housing system where access to housing is largely determined through the market. Women heads of household, lone-parent households, and […]

Women’s Mental Health at Work

Conference notes that the workforce in the community sector especially in the social care sector is overwhelmingly female. The additional pressures on women working in the community sector, especially low paid women have seen almost 3 in 5 of these women experience poor mental health where work is a contributing factor. However, for Black women […]

Campaign re Student Loans as Affecting Pregnant and Caring Women

Women should not have to worry about their student loan when they are absent from work due to pregnancy or childcare. In the Netherlands, payments and interest are paused during maternity leave. We call upon the National Women’s Committee to launch a campaign to seek legal changes to the student loan scheme. Payments and interest […]

Step Aside, Brother!

Conference, it’s a well-known fact that our union is made up of 80% women and that there are 5.5 million unionised workers in the UK. Women make up half the UK workforce. So why are women still so underrepresented in our union structures and in our union visibility? UNISON collectively gives voice to working people […]

Time to Smash the Gender Pay Gap in Higher Education

Despite the Equal Pay Act coming into force over 50 years ago, there remains a persistent gender pay gap on university campuses across the United Kingdom. According to the Times Higher Education (THE), the mean pay gap in Higher Education in 2020 – 2021 was 14.8% which was higher than the UK average of 11.3%. […]

Impact of Fuel costs on Women

Conference, many of our women members some of whom are disabled are on low pay, working part time and living on a limited budget. A significant number of these women work in social care, for the NHS, local authorities, or private care companies. Conference notes that caring responsibilities also disproportionately fall on women. The massive […]

Flexible working access for all

Flexible working is a way for workers to change their working hours to suit their needs. For example, having the flexibility to change their start and finishing times, compress their weekly hours/ days or even work from home. There are many reasons why women would need or want flexible working. One reason is that caring […]

Black Women’s Maternity Care

Conference is extremely concerned that in 2023 Black women are still five times more likely to die in childbirth or shortly afterwards. Women of mixed ethnicity have 3 times the risk, and Asian women almost twice the risk. Black women are also at an increased risk of having a pre-term birth, stillbirth, neonatal death or […]

Young Members: building on the legacy of the Year of Black workers

Conference notes that 2023 was designated UNISON’s year of Black workers, with the aim of ‘establishing legacy to generate change’. Conference welcomes all the work that has been put into marking the year of Black workers, but notes that there is still a long way to go, particularly in regards to young Black members in […]

Harassment: it’s not part of the job

Conference notes the TUC Anti-Racism Taskforce’s 2022 report into racism at work, which found that 41% of all Black workers surveyed had experienced racist behaviour at work. Many Black workers had experienced bullying, harassment and worse – and concerningly, the vast majority did not report this to their employer. In 2021, Business in the Community’s […]

The Importance of Leadership Training for Black Workers

Conference notes Black employees only hold 1.5 per cent of management and leadership positions in the UK. This is according to the Business in the Community (BITC) report, ‘Race at the Top’ which found that only 54,900 of the 3.9 million managers, directors and senior officials in the UK’s private and public sectors are Black. […]

Ensuring more Equitable Talent Management in our NHS workplaces

Conference is clear about the impact of HR processes can have in fairness and equality at work. One example is talent management strategies, which are often designed and implemented in a manner that can lead to a significant disparity in opportunities for Black employees across sectors. The Chartered Institute of People Development (CIPD) defines Talent […]

Young Black members and mental health

The National Health Service (NHS) reported that 3.25 million individuals had contact with mental health services during 2021/22 which is approximately 5.8 percent of the population. The Mental Health Foundation tells us that 50% of mental health problems are established by age 14 and 75% by age 24, yet many young people have not had […]

Securing the legacy of the Year of Black Workers in 2024 and beyond

Conference following the success of UNISON’s Year of Black Workers 2023 (YOBW23), the NBMC wish to place on record our thanks to all of our activists who have driven this success throughout our union. Throughout the year we saw a renewed and focussed approach to challenging racism in the workplace and the experiences of Black […]

Make 2024 the Year Of LGBT+ workers

Conference is pleased with the decision at National Delegate Conference (NDC) to make 2024 the Year of LGBT+ workers. This follows on from 2021, the Year of Young Workers, 2022 the Year of Disabled Workers and 2023 the Year of Black Workers. Conference, it is appropriate that in celebrating this victory at the National Delegates […]