Women’s Voice in Local Politics

Women are under-represented in politics. The lack of women in Westminster is increasingly reported but the lack of women in local government is very often overlooked. According to the Fawcett Society women make up only 32% of local councillors in England and 24% in Northern Ireland. Only 12.3% of local authority leaders in England are […]

Women’s access to justice

Conference notes with concern the impact that successive government policies are having on women’s access to justice. For those women experiencing domestic violence, access to justice means: • receiving a timely, safe and understanding response to domestic violence from the police; • ensuring that civil remedies, such as injunctions, are used appropriately and are offered […]

Now justice is only for those who can afford it

The British judicial system was based on the bedrock that justice must not only be done, but be seen to be done as well. It should not be a system where justice should be done only to those who are rich enough to afford it. But in the UK the Government‘s austerity measures are adversely […]


Conference will be aware that the changes to legal aid introduced in the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012, which requires women to provide evidence of their domestic abuse through providing evidence of domestic violence in the previous two years. Evidence can consist of a conviction, police caution, protective injunction, letter from […]

Impact of Austerity on UNISON Women

UNISON is a union of over 1 million women members. Due to the government’s austerity measures over the last 5 years many of these will have seen their standard of living fall and many will be living in poverty. Researchers show that by moving from a minimum wage to a living wage 4.8 million women […]

The cuts are killing us

From the rise in domestic violence, to increased homelessness, benefit sanctions which have driven people with long term conditions into desperation and disabled women labelled as scroungers and vulnerable on the streets and in their homes – Austerity is a killing machine. Job losses and increased poverty leads to violent reactions that impact women and […]


Conference notes with growing concern the funding crisis within services that support women who have experienced rape and sexual violence. In August 2015 it was reported that nationally none of the 46 Rape crisis organisations in England and Wales had secure funding beyond March 2016 despite a 50% increase in the number of survivors receiving […]

Protect Our Employment

Conference recognises that the move by many employers to limiting the use of flexible working arrangements and/ or the introduction of long shifts disproportionately affects women, yet the equality act gives us limited support in tackling these issues, and equality impact assessments are often tick box exercises rather than an effective measure of the issues. […]

Austerity Cut and the Impact on Black Women Workers

Conference we note that overall, 65% of public sector employees are women. The public sector provides flexible working for women and better maternity benefits than the private sector. The Fawcett Society reported that the pay gap between women and men is 13.2% in the public sector and 20.4% in the private sector. People from Black […]

Online Safety for Women

Conference recognises that the use of progressive, interactive and widespread social media sites can be very beneficial both in a work or a personal context. However, are we being less concerned about our rights to privacy when using these sites? The whole idea of social networking is to be involved, connected and in touch with […]

Increasing young womens’ attendance at Women’s conference

This conference notes that the numbers of young Women members attending have been very low for a number of years and that it is vital work is undertaken to address this. This conference also notes the scheme of branch representation requiring branches sending 4 delegates to include a young member in their delegation. This conference […]