Disparity Between Local Government Staff and Local Government School Based Staff

This Conference urges the Service Group Executive to enter into appropriate negotiations to put an end to the inequalities and unjust disparity between local government staff and local government school based staff. Such representation should seek the end of Local Management of Schools (LMS) and that staffing powers for schools be handed back to the […]

National Workload and Remodelling of the School Workforce Agreement

This Conference urges the Service Group Executive to campaign as strongly as it can for the adequate central government funding of the National Workload and Remodelling of the school Workforce Agreement. They believe that repeated failure to do so makes a mockery of its claims that it wants to create a new way of working […]

Continuous Service in Local Government

Conference calls on the Service Group Executive to negotiate on improvements in the current policies regarding leave conditions. At present any time served in Local Government employment is discounted if a person leaves the service. If at a later stage a person rejoins Local Government they have to start as a new employee. Our members […]

Direct Payments

We recognise the introduction of Direct Payments could have a significant impact on UNISON members employed in local authorities. Direct Payments are where social work departments are required to offer payment to allow for purchase of private services, as an alternative to direct services. This could involve loss of jobs, changes to terms and conditions […]

Review of the National Lay Membership Structure

This conference notes the actions taken to date by the Executive regarding the review of the Energy, Transport and Water and Environment service group structures at national level. Conference notes the outcome of the consultation exercise with all three service groups. Conference further notes that the majority of Water and Environment branches who responded have […]

Negotiating an end to disability discrimination

This Local Government Conference applauds the work undertaken by UNISON’s National Disabled Members Committee to promote negotiated agreements that make provision for Disability Leave. We are concerned that there is no adequate legislative provision to compel employers who provide services in Local Government to disregard disability-related absence and the consequence of this in relation to […]

“Fresh Start” Initiative for Schools

This Local Government Service Group opposes the Government’s “Fresh Start” initiative, introduced purportedly to give support to schools deemed to be failing. The “Fresh Start” scheme is fatally flawed because it forces staff at a school to reapply for their jobs at a time when continuity of staff is most needed, for their knowledge of […]

Older Shift Workers

Conference notes with pleasure the work that is currently being done on ageism and, notes with some degree of caution, the occasional remarks from our Prime Minister and members of the cabinet about the opportunities for us to carry on working to age of 70 and beyond. Conference is also aware that within the Police […]

Police Communications and Control Rooms

Conference recalls a lengthy motion agreed at last year’s conference regarding Police Communications and Joint Control Rooms. It also recalls that the motion identified the many problems suffered by members within this area of work. With the role out of Airwaves the workload has increased without an increase in staffing. With sickness in these rooms […]

Integrated Competency Framework

Conference acknowledges the work of the Police Skills and Standards Organisation in designing the Integrated Competency Framework (ICF). The ICF combines the National Competency Framework and National Occupational Standards within the police service. It also links to the Home Office Performance Development Review (PDR) Scheme which is being implemented by police forces for police staff. […]

Links with Other Associations/Agencies

Conference welcomes the continued efforts of the Service Group Executive in harmonising liaison between differing agencies. Conference believes that such relationships are invaluable in furthering our efforts in securing improved working lives for our members. Conference therefore instructs the Service Group Executive to: 1)continue to improve our working relationship with the HMIC, ACPO, the Police […]

Police Staff Council Joint Advice

Conference notes with growing concern that policies developed by ACPO for police officers are continuously being put forward by Forces for implementation for police staff. Branches are frequently put under pressure to agree to their implementation or they are unilaterally enforced. Refusal to accept or to enter into discussions is putting unnecessary pressure on branches. […]


Conference deplores the use of volunteers in the police service and instructs the Service Group Executive to institute a campaign of non co-operation of their use.

Report Back on Conference Motions

This Conference understands the workload of the Service Group Executive is increasing year on year. Since the formation of the service group the motions brought to Conference have increased as we have developed. In addition the police service is a rapidly changing service driven by the Home Office, public pressure and the force itself. In […]

Police Staff Council (England and Wales)

Conference welcomes the renaming of the Police Support Staff Council as the Police Staff Council (England and Wales) and the enhanced role of the Council enshrined in the revised PSC Handbook. Conference also believes that Home Office admission to the Council will improve the status and effectiveness of the machinery. However, Conference is concerned that […]