Rule D.2.6.1 Elections

Delete all after “later” and insert “.”

Schedule B Members’ Benefits

Delete existing Schedule B Replace with new Schedule B “Schedule B: Members’ benefits 1SCOPE OF MEMBERS’ BENEFITS The Union provides three distinct areas of assistance to support members. 1.1Rule book benefits listed in paragraph 2.1.1 are intended to provide a one off responsive service within a set range of criteria. 1.2Grants for education and training […]

Rule M.1 4 Trustees of Welfare Fund

Delete all of M.1.4 and insert: “1.4 Trustees of UNISON Welfare The UNISON Welfare Board of Trustees shall include NEC members who shall comprise no less than 50% of the membership elected by that body in such manner as it sees fit. Any vacancy in the Board of Trustees may be filled by the National […]

Rule F.1 List of Regions

F.1 insert “Cymru/” before “Wales”

Attacks on Public Sector Pension Schemes

Conference is alarmed at the attacks from the employers and the government on public sector pension schemes. This commenced last year with proposals to significantly reduce the benefits of the local government scheme including raising the age at which pensions would be payable. The government has now issued proposals for consultation which affect most public […]

Rule D.2.5 Young Members Seat

Delete all before “there”

Rule G.2.1.3 The Branch Committee

After “Equality Officer(s)” insert “, Welfare Officer”

Privatisation of Probation Services in the National Offender Management Services

Conference notes with extreme concern that the creation of the National Offender Management Service (NOMS) threatens to privatise many Probation Services, worsen provision to clients and drive down the terms and conditions of probation staff. This threat has been exacerbated by the undue delay in the Government agreeing to extend the two-tier workforce protections to […]

Promoting Race Equality

Conference notes that current United Kingdom legislation places a duty upon public bodies to promote race equality. It further notes that public bodies in Northern Ireland and the Greater London Authority have a similar duty in other respects too. It regrets that this wider duty has not, so far, been extended to other public bodies […]

Local Government Service Group Executive Report

This Conference receives the report of the Local Government Service Group Executive.

Protect Our Pensions

This Conference notes that the Police Staff Service Group represents around 32,000 members. The vast majority of whom are members of the Local Government Pension Scheme. Conference is alarmed at Government Proposals to significantly weaken our pension provision. Furthermore, we are deeply concerned that as public sector workers we could be denied the right to […]

Information and Consultation Regulations

Conference notes that the new Information and Consultation Regulations come into force in April 2005. These new regulations are having an important impact on all workplace relations but particularly in the Community and Voluntary Sector. Conference notes that the Information and Consultation Regulations will introduce important new rights for employees to be informed and consulted […]

Protecting Our Members From False Allegations

UNISON has fought for years for equality in all areas. We have had some successes, including some excellent employment laws. However, as many lesbian, gay and bisexual people are aware, these laws can sometimes be used against us and when they are, there is very little in the way of information and support. There are […]

Defending National Terms and Conditions

Conference notes that the 2004/7 pay deal included a review of the Green Book Part 2 national terms and conditions which were likely to include sick leave payments, annual and maternity leave arrangements and working hours. The employers also stated “this proposal [the 2004 offer] contains within it an explicit expectation that authorities will take […]

Apprenticeships and the National Minimum Wage

Conference notes that nearly 250,000 young people are engaged in an apprenticeship, formerly modern apprenticeships, with a significant proportion of these on public sector apprenticeship schemes. Apprenticeships give opportunities to young people and can bring new people into the public services, can provide progression routes to higher level skills and qualifications, and can also have […]