The impact of the Policing and Crime Act on fire and rescue support staff

Conference notes that the Policing and Crime Act became law on 31 January 2017, despite concerns raised by UNISON and other trade unions. This Act allows fire and rescue authorities to be abolished and replaced by Police and Crime Commissioners. Across England, Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) will be able to take on the responsibilities […]

Mental Health Champions

Mental health issues are reported to affect one in three of us throughout our lifetime. Although statistically women are more likely to develop common mental health issues than men it is an issue that impacts all of our members. A recent survey also suggests that there has been a marked increase in mental health issues […]

Tackling Stress

Conference understands the large scale of harm to members caused by work related stress, including sickness and serious illness, and the personal cost to members and their families, and even premature death. The 2016 TUC survey of safety reps confirmed that stress was the biggest health and safety concern and that it is getting worse, […]

Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs), health and social care integration and the funding crisis in social care

Conference notes with alarm the growing crisis of underfunding of local government and the NHS, giving rise to a crisis in social care and related health services. Local authorities have undergone average cuts to their budgets of 37% up to 2015/16, while inflationary pressures have increased. A further £6.1 billion will be taken from councils […]


Conference notes that outsourcing and privatisation constitute a failed economic model for local government services. It only serves to reduce our members’ pay, terms and conditions and maximise profits for contractors, consultants and shareholders. Conference also notes that services get worse following privatisation and outsourcing. Private companies have a legal duty to reward shareholders, so […]

The Crisis in Health and Social Care

Conference, there are three areas of concern. The crisis in Social Care, the underfunding of our NHS and decimation of our Community Care services, all combine to create a perfect storm. The scale of the problems now faced by adult social care providers are enormous, and are the direct result of massive Government cuts to […]

Funding for schools

This conference believes that the government proposals for school funding reform in England are flawed, unfair and fail to address the funding crisis affecting schools. The DfE proposals will only result in a flat cash settlement for schools and takes no account of the increasing costs for schools resulting from from inflation and increased staffing […]

The crisis in social care

Conference recognises that the social care system is in crisis. Council spending on social care fell by 9% in real terms between 2010 and 2015 due to huge funding cuts from central government. The number of pensioners receiving care from their local council fell by 26% over that period. The King’s Fund estimate that the […]

LGPS – Tier 3 ill-health pension to be paid for life

Currently if a member’s employment contract ceases on medical capability grounds they may qualify for immediate payment of their pension, irrespective of age, on the grounds of ill-health. Currently on the advice of a medical advisor retiring members are allocated to one of three tiers. The member’s pension is enhanced in the case of Tier […]


Conference notes the dramatic changes that have take place in housing policy and provision in the last 30 years and those presaged by the Housing White Paper. Conference further notes the significance of housing costs and affordability and their impact on living standards, the ability to live near the workplace and the economic, environmental and […]

Youth work

Conference notes that youth work professionals, including both qualified youth workers and youth support workers, perform vital jobs in our communities. In countless ways they help young people to lead positive lives as members of society. Conference further notes that the youth work profession has come under increasing attack in recent years. The 2016 UNISON […]

Our girls need high quality inclusive Sex and Relationship Education

Conference expresses concern that many girls are being left vulnerable by inadequate sex and relationship education (SRE) in schools. Conference notes that the current Children and Social Work Bill, while not the ideal legislative vehicle for introducing mandatory SRE, probably presents the best chance in this Parliament. Amendments to achieve this were tabled in January […]

An organising strategy for the Social Care workforce

Social care plays a vital and growing role in our society. Yet increasing demand, falling real terms funding, and increasingly complex care needs has put the sector under significant strain. Social Care workers are often the people who are at the sharp end following cuts in public services elsewhere – dealing with clients who cannot […]

Dunkirk Refugee Women’s Centre

Conference notes with concern that during the night of 7 January 2017 the Dunkirk Refugee Women’s Centre burnt down. The conditions that women are living in are unacceptable in the 21st century and this has been a bitter blow. Conference calls on the National Women’s Committee to encourage: 1) All regions to highlight the needs […]

Why we need to build a new housing consensus for affordable and decent homes for all

The neverending UK housing crisis means that millions of workers and their families live in expensive, overcrowded and insecure homes. Often these homes are long distances away from work or family and involve many hours of daily commutes. Conversely UNISON research has shown many families have grown up children living with them not out of […]