The Wage Penalty of Motherhood

In August 2016 a report publishes by the Institute for Fiscal Studies and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation showed how the Gender Pay Gap is growing year on year after childbirth. Many Women are forced to leave better paid jobs due to the pressure of caring responsibilities and the lack of flexible working. Without more well […]

Modern Slavery – Closer Than You Think

There is no one face of modern slavery. Victims are mostly women, and children of all ages, and cut across populations, but it is normally more prevalent among minorities and excluded groups. Many women in modern slavery are brought to the UK, but latest figures show that UK nationals are also being targeted. Vulnerable young […]

Closing the Gender Pay Gap

Conference notes that according to the “New Joint Negotiating Committee for Higher Education Staff (JNCHES): Higher Education gender pay gap data” report which was published in September 2016, the gender pay gap in Higher Education has narrowed. However, it is disappointing to note that despite the Equal Pay Act being enacted over 40 years ago […]

International Day of the Girl Child

Conference notes that in 2011, as the result of youth advocacy around the world, the United Nations declared October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child. Its mission is “to help galvanize worldwide enthusiasm for goals to better girls’ lives, providing an opportunity for them to show leadership and reach their full potential.” […]

Lack of Black women participation in UNISON

More than 70% of UNISON members are women and UNISON is committed to fair representation and proportionality (Rule D1.4). However, in the public sector where many of our members are Black women, we see very few Black women represented at branch, regional and national level; despite statistics telling us that Black people are amongst those […]

Equal pay and Black Women

Conference as we all know the pay gap between men and women is widening, but it will come as no surprise that the pay gap for Black women is even greater. 37.6% of Black workers are in occupations which are traditionally low paid and dominated by women – cleaning, care work and catering, compared to […]

Sexual harassment is rife at work

According to figures published by the TUC, 52 per cent of all women and nearly two thirds of women between the ages of 18 and 24 have experienced sexual harassment at work. The study, “Still just a bit of banter?”, which was carried out in conjunction with the Everyday Sexism Project, also found that: • […]


UNISON was formed in 1993 and at that time, proportionality was a radical and hotly contested inclusion within the rule book. UNISON rules state: 2.12.2 “Proportionality” is the representation of women and men in fair proportion to the relevant number of female and male members comprising the electorate. UNISON women’s membership is currently at 77% […]

Dress Code Inquiry

This conference is pleased to know that the House of Commons is holding an inquiry into high heels and workplace dress codes, following a petition asking for the law to be changed attracted almost 150,000 signatures. MPs on the Petitions and Women and Equalities Committees have already heard evidence from the person who started the […]

Abortion rights in Northern Ireland

This Conference notes that women in Northern Ireland live under some of the most restrictive abortion legislation in Europe. They are denied access to abortion information, advice, and services that are available to women in the rest of the UK. This Conference believes that these barriers to reproductive rights are a class issue and barriers […]

Young women must not suffer under Brexit

This Conference believes that the impact of Britain leaving the European Union has the potential to be extremely damaging for workers, and public service workers in particular. This conference also believes that young women will be amongst those hardest hit as the scramble to establish trade deals will not only see an attack on crucial […]

Securing Black LGBT perspectives and participation

Conference welcomes the wealth of policy, good practice, advice and resources that we have built up over the past decades of equality organising. These include much policy and good practice in organising, bargaining and campaigning on Black LGBT equality. However, conference notes the continuing challenge of disseminating information and resources, leading to knowledge gaps and […]

Standing together for equality

Conference notes that UNISON was founded on the principles of solidarity and equality. These principles are vital for our union and also vital for a strong society where all can thrive. Conference is concerned about the voice and validation given to division and scapegoating in campaigning around the European Union (EU) referendum. The debate paid […]

Stop and search of Black people

Conference notes that the subject of stop and search has been debated on many occasions, but nothing has changed. People of African heritage are six times more likely to be stopped and searched by the police in England and Wales under Section 1 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 and 29 times as […]

Why Sickle Cell matters

This conference believes that Sickle Cell disease is the most prevalent blood disease that affects the Black community. Figures from The Sickle Cell Society show 1 in 10 black people are affected by this blood disorder. Insufficient funding is allocated to research into this disease and as a result an inequality exists which impacts on […]