Organising in Energy as we drive towards Net Zero

This special energy conference notes that to achieve Net Zero substantial investment will be needed within the Energy sector, both with established employers with whom we have an existing relationship, and likely new (and as yet not in existence) employers too) This could and should bring about new job growth within the energy sector over […]

UNISON Energy workers and the drive to Net Zero and Carbon Neutrality by 2050

This special energy conference notes that in November in Glasgow the previously delayed (due to Covid restrictions) COP 26 will take place. This will bring together nations from across the world to report on progress made since the COP 21 Paris Agreement was reached in 2015. This conference also notes that since 2015 the UK […]

Addressing inequality in the Energy Sector for Black workers in a post pandemic world

At its inception in 2016, the Energy and Utilities Skills Partnership, made up of 30 utility organisations; gas, power, water, and waste management, recognised the underrepresentation of Black workers across the sector, citing, �Workforce diversity and inclusion levels for the sector continue to be below the UK averages, with only 7% of the sector�s employees […]

LGBT+ inclusive policies in Local Government

Conference acknowledges that even before Covid-19, equality was increasingly being seen as a luxury in many local government workplaces, with many employers barely abiding by the law. We must live up to our proud history and negotiate for LGBT+ equality to be included in all local government policies, practices and agreements. Conference recognises that local […]

LGBT+ workers health and well being

Conference notes that local government used to be an equality trail-blazer in terms and conditions for staff and also in the quality, accessibility and inclusivity of local government service delivery. This, coupled with a strong public service ethos, has contributed over the years to high numbers of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender plus (LGBT+) workers, […]

Homeworking as a reasonable adjustment in post-COVID local government workplaces

Conference notes that many disabled staff in local government have previously requested to work from home as a reasonable adjustment and been refused. However Covid-19 has sparked a revolution in home working and as a union we need to build on the positives for disabled workers whilst also guarding against any detrimental impact. UNISON�s National […]

Accessing reasonable adjustments during Covid-19

Conference notes that a UNISON survey of disabled members working from home during Covid-19, including local government workers, found that 53% did not receive any reasonable adjustments from their employer to help them to overcome the barriers they faced as a disabled person working from home. Only 5% had help from Access to Work, the […]

Developing and expanding social partnership and fair work in Wales and across the UK

UNISON Cymru/Wales supports the principle of a �Fair Work Nation�. As the largest trade union in Wales, we speak on behalf of around 100,000 members and their families and work with 49 affiliated unions through the Wales TUC. We strongly support the aims of Welsh government�s Draft Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Bill which […]

Facility Time in Schools

Conference notes that many branches are struggling to represent members in schools, particularly in those schools which have become academies. Both local authorities and the academy chains are putting restrictions on local authority employed staff representing members employed in academies. This has resulted in many reps using their own time to represent members, sometimes even […]

Local Government and Climate Breakdown

Conference recognises that: 1)The impacts of the climate emergency are already evident and have profoundly altered human and natural systems; 2)In the UK, we are witnessing more frequent and extreme weather events. In 2019, our communities experienced flooding and also summer heatwaves that resulted in nearly 900 excess deaths. There were more UK wildfires in […]

Standing Up to Violence, Harassment and Abuse of Local Government Staff

Conference recognises that UNISON members in local government are dedicated to improving the quality of life for the communities they work in, as shown by their incredible work during the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite this, many of our members are subject to an alarming increase in violence, abuse and harassment at work. After years of cuts […]

Reduction in the Working Week � Campaigning Across the Sectors

Conference notes that workplace stress is a massive and growing concern in local government. As the Local Government Association states: �Research shows that work is the biggest cause of stress in people’s lives, more so than debt or financial problems. Stress can stop people performing at their best and lead to physical illness and absence.� […]

Covid Legacy

The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted what�s best about local government and its workforce. Always there ready to support our communities 365 days of the year, especially during times of national crisis. It�s the same workforce who have had endure over ten years of austerity, cuts to pay and terms & conditions, but when called upon […]

The Future of Local Government

Local councils across the UK have suffered huge funding cuts over the last decade. We have seen significant changes to the funding mechanism for local government, the functions councils carry out and thanks to devolution the actual make-up of local government. Throughout this time UNISON has sought to stop these cuts and highlighted the resulting […]

Traveller Communities

Conference notes that while local authorities are required to address the housing and development needs of Gypsies and Travellers, they are under no legal duty to provide sites for Gypsies and Travellers. This is true for councils across all four nations of the UK. In England, it has been the case since the Caravan Sites […]