National NHS Outpatient Transport Provision

The arrangements for outpatients who have to attend hospitals to keep appointments, and who have need of transport from home to the NHS establishment, are not on a NATIONAL basis and are consequently not acceptable. The Minister responsible for transport to and from NHS establishments must authorise an appropriate national system that will end the […]

Payment of Pension by Giro

Conference may be aware that the National Pensioners’ Convention has consistently campaigned to enable pensioners to receive their pension payments by giro if they so wish. Despite a considerable amount of pressure and bullying from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), around 200,000 pensioners continue so to do. However, it is now known that […]

National Care Service

Conference Instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee and calls on the National Executive Council to liaise with the National Pensioners’ Convention, Trades Union Congress and all appropriate organisations to campaign for the development of a National Care Service, to provide for all in need, totally free care as required, to live in a comfortable and […]

Retired Member representation within the Trades Union Congress

Conference notes that retired members are included among the total number of UNISON members for affiliation to the Trades Union Congress. Conference further notes that the present method of representation to the Annual Conference of the TUC does not include any retired members. Conference further believes that the present method of representation of retired trades […]

Increase in Winter Fuel Allowance

Conference regrets that the latest excess winter deaths statistics for England and Wales has risen by a 49% increase in the period December 2008 to March 2009 (National Pensioners Convention statistics). An estimated 36,700 older people died of cold related illness compared to 25,300 the previous winter, which is 11,400 more. Statistics are not available […]

Packaging, Small Print and Colour Contrast

Shopping is a nightmare for older people and people with disabilities. Packaging – especially that used for food items – can be very difficult for arthritic and crippled old fingers to get into. Older people’s eyes find small print a problem. Yet health authorities recommend that people should read the nutrition information on food packaging. […]

Pensioners and Means Tested Benefits

As the value of the state pension has fallen by a huge amount since 1979, many pensioners are eligible for means-tested additions. The application forms for these additions are long and complicated. Often more than one form is required to determine other pensioner benefits. Many pensioners do not claim these benefits partly because of lack […]

First Aider Allowance

Conference notes the present wording in clause 15, Section 1(Pay), of the national Police Staff Council (PSC) terms and conditions with regard to the First Aider Allowance. Conference is concerned that not all Police forces are properly implementing the wording of clause 15 in the way it was intended. Clause 15 of the PSC handbook […]

Equality Reps

Conference welcomes the decision by UNISON to introduce equality reps in the workplace. Conference believes that such a move will ensure a greater awareness of equality issues in the workplace and encourage a more proactive approach to ensuring that the bargaining agenda reflects the need to mainstream equality and prevent discrimination. The role of disabled […]

Payments for Future Care

This Conference notes with alarm in the recent run up to the General Election, the Conservative proposal for lump sum payments towards future care requirements. This is again an insurance policy aimed at those who can afford such payments – £8000 was mentioned. This sum is equal and sometimes in excess of UNISON retired members’ […]

UK Wide Transport Card

This Conference recognises the tremendous value concessionary bus passes have been to older people. Not only has the facility enabled them to continue to make journeys to doctors, dentists, shops etc without the worry of how to afford it, it has also provided health and social benefits for people to interact outside their own family […]

Pensioners’ Poverty Trap

This Conference notes that older people in receipt of state pension as their sole income are entitled to benefits such as Pension Credit. However, we deplore the fact that older people with a state pension and a small occupational pension which takes them above the cut-off point for means-tested benefits deprives them of such benefits […]

Payments for working additional hours, and removal of the bar on overtime payments to employees paid on national salary spine 24 and above

Conference notes the existing national Police Staff Council clause 6.1 Section 1 (Pay), in respect of entitlement to receive overtime payments: 6.1: ‘An employee paid at or below point 24 of the national salary spine who works in excess of an average of 37 hours per week shall be paid at the following rates for […]

Christmas Working 2010

Conference notes the present wording of the Police Staff Council national terms and conditions, in respect of working on a public holiday, clause 12, Section 1 (Pay). It also notes that when a public holiday falls on a weekend then a royal proclamation effectively moves the public holiday to a substitute day on the nearest […]

Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) Guidelines on Staff Complaints

The Police Staff conference 2008 passed motion 23, which sought to provide clarity, advice, guidance and joint advice with the IPCC. At the Police Staff seminar that immediately followed, we received reassurances that the Chief Executive of the IPCC Nick Hardwick, with a view to rectifying the situation, would raise the matter. The IPCC guidance […]