The Cave Review on Competition and Innovation in the Water Industry

Conference endorses UNISON’s submission to the Cave review that set out the union’s opposition to the introduction of competition in the water industry of England and Wales. Conference is alarmed to note the interim recommendations of the Cave Review in support of a limited introduction of competition into the retail of bulk water to commercial […]

The OFWAT Price Review

Conference notes that the new OFWAT period of price review begins on 1st April 2010. Based on OFWAT’s interim determinations and the companies’ responses to them it appears likely that the next five years will witness the introduction of a tighter financial regime. This, combined with more pressure arising from the Cave Review, will lead […]

Working Time Directive Opt Out

This Water and Environment conference notes the recent European Parliamentary decision to end the potential for opting out of the Working Time Directive. To ensure compliance when this becomes a reality all Water and Environment branches are encouraged to enter into early dialogue with their employer. This conference further calls on appropriate materials to be […]

Water and Sanitation as an Essential Public Service and the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals

Conference welcomes UNISON’s publication of the report ‘Sewerage Works’ and confirms its belief that sewerage has the potential to make a significant contribution to the sanitation needs of the many thousands of people living in urban squalor throughout the developing world. Water and Sanitation services are essential for life and it is universally accepted that […]

Quality Public Transport

Conference notes that with the increasing use of Smartcard technology a significant number of jobs of data collection staff are under consideration by managements. Since de-regulation over 20 years ago the quality of public transport by bus is no longer paramount in the strategies of many bus operators. The media continues to report that a […]

No National Identity Cards for Airport Workers

Conference confirms its opposition to the proposal to require airside workers at UK airports to hold national identity cards as a condition of employment. Despite the opposition of UNISON and the other trade unions the airside workers at Manchester Airport and London City Airport will have to apply for an ID card in the next […]

Merger of the Water and Environment and Transport Service Group Executives

Conference welcomes the decision of the NEC to approve the merger of the Water and Environment and Transport Service Group Executives. Conference notes that the Executive’s planning for the merger of the two service groups was unavoidably delayed while the NEC consultation on the review of service groups took place. Consequently there has not been […]

Free ManSour Osanloo

Conference regrets that, despite his poor health, Mansour Osanloo, leader of the Iranian bus workers union, remains in prison in Iran for his trade union activities. Conference notes that UNISON has actively supported the campaign by the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) and Amnesty International to free Mansour Osanloo and other trade unionists detained by […]


This Conference welcomes the announcement in the Queen’s speech in December that tougher licensing of lap dancing clubs will be included in the Home Office Policing and Crime Reduction Bill. Tougher licensing will allow gender equality to be considered in licensing processes and will protect the rights of women in the industry, by placing clubs […]


As women we need to ensure that young women are aware of the benefits of paying into a pension scheme at the earliest opportunity. In 2007, research by a private bank showed that over half of women aged between 35 and 44 had made no pension provision – apparently believing that they could rely on […]


Following the fall of the Taliban government in late 2001 women in Afghanistan have in theory more freedom and equality. In reality, however, the plight they face is much different. Women in Afghanistan still face forced marriage, abuse, the highest maternal mortality rates in the world, and an eighty eight per cent illiteracy rate. Women […]


National Women’s Conference applauds the work carried out by the National Women’s Committee in relation to domestic violence. However, the current monitoring system as decreed by the Home Office does not take into account those aged under 18 who are perpetrators of domestic violence. For example as a result of the current monitoring process, a […]


Since 2006 when the Sandinista Government returned to power in Nicaragua a law prohibiting abortion was introduced. This made abortion even on medical grounds or as a consequence of rape illegal. For one hundred and thirty years Nicaraguan law allowed a woman to have an abortion when her life or health was in danger from […]


This Conference calls upon the National Women’s Committee to work with the National Young Members Committee to highlight the importance of young women becoming members of a pension scheme. As women we need to ensure that young women are aware of the benefits of paying into a pension scheme at the earliest opportunity, so as […]


Conference welcomes the closer working together of the self organised groups and young members through the Equality Liaison Committee. There are many cross cutting issues which affect women in different ways and this needs to be addressed on a joint basis. However, conference is concerned that this joint working may be the first step towards […]