Training on the new single equality legislation

Conference welcomes the new Equality Bill and that it has provisions for sexual orientation and gender reassignment groups who experience discrimination, harassment and victimisation. However, conference is keen to ensure that all activists are updated with the new requirements to be met by employers and public bodies. Conference notes that while the main anti-discrimination provisions […]

Services for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Older People

Conference acknowledges the work currently being undertaken in Scotland with regard to the equality of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender older people. The aim of the work is to deliver a high quality of service to older LGBT people and to ensure that they are treated equally. It is important to state that no ‘special’ […]

Transgender policies at work

Conference recognises and commends the work that the National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Committee has completed with regards to transgender issues. Conference also welcomes the Gender Equality Duty which will hopefully help to eliminate the prejudice and harassment of transgender members in their employment. However, conference continues to be concerned with the lack […]

Keeping disability on the agenda in the credit crunch

This Conference is concerned that the recession is having a disproportionately large impact on disabled workers. Unemployment is predicted to increase to almost three million by 2010 and disabled workers are particularly at risk when unemployment rises. Increased unemployment for disabled workers can lead to social divide, increase the prospect of discrimination due to unfair […]

Awareness of non apparent disabilities

Conference agrees that both the Disability Discrimination Act and the Public Sector Equality Duty have advanced the cause of reducing discrimination against disabled workers in the workplace. However, not all forms of disability are apparent to any other person except the individual directly affected. Workers with non apparent disabilities, whether mental health, physical or other […]

Adding value to disability equalities

There are a number of schemes in place which many Employers sign up to that would, if followed, be of great advantage to disabled workers. For these schemes to work effectively, it is essential that disabled workers must be allowed to self nominate and work in partnership with the Employers and scheme organisers to ensure […]

Disabled people’s experience of targeted violence and hostility

Conference notes that a recent report entitled ‘Promoting Safety and Security of Disabled People’ published by the Equality and Human Rights Commission showed that disabled people are at greater risk of being victims of targeted violence and hostility. The report stated that disabled people are four times more likely to be a victim of crime, […]

UN Disability Convention

Conference notes that on 8 June 2009 th UK Government ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This means that the UK is now legally bound by the Convention. The Convention is the first human rights treaty of the 21st Century, re-affirming disabled people’s human rights and signalling a further […]


Delete SO 8.8


In Standing Order 8.1 delete current wording and replace with: ‘Motions and amendments will normally be considered in the order in which they appear on the final agenda.’


Conference believes that nothing represents more potently the way in which our society values its elderly citizens than home – or domiciliary – care services. They are the point at which the state – literally – enters the private household to ensure the well-being and health of its most vulnerable citizens. However, councils are faced […]


In Standing Order 4.1 delete current wording and replace with: ‘The mover of a motion or an amendment shall speak for not more than five minutes and each succeeding speaker for not more than three minutes, except where the Standing Orders Committee have decided otherwise.’


A report “One Voice: Shaping Our Ageing Society” was launched on 7 April by Age Concern and Help the Aged to mark the formation of their new charity. The report examined the issues facing older people in the UK, such as poverty, age discrimination, isolation and lack of care and support. The report claims that […]


Insert new Standing Order 9 entitled ‘Withdrawals of Motions and Amendments’ 9.1 A motion or amendment which appears on the Final Agenda may not be withdrawn without the consent of the Standing Orders Committee, whose decision shall be reported to Conference. 9.2 If a motion be withdrawn with the consent of the Standing Orders Committee, […]


Under Standing Order 2.3.4 insert new ‘6’ ‘Issue guidelines from time to time in order to assist with the smooth running of Conference. Such guidelines shall be consistent with these Standing Orders.’