Privatising The Probation Service

This conference condemns and is opposed to the decision made on 9th May 2013 by the Ministry of Justice to forge one new National Probation Service for England and Wales to manage high risk cases whilst the majority of the current work undertaken will be privatised. The Government propose to 1)Dismantle the very bodies who […]

One in Eight – Make it Count!

Conference notes that of UNISON’s membership of 1,306,500 at 30 September 2012, over 160,000, nearly one-eighth, were Retired Members. Conference also notes that the general management and control of the union between National Delegate Conferences is vested in the National Executive Council (NEC) which has full power and authority, subject to the rules and National […]

Retaining Members When They Retire

Conference recalls the resolution (motion 27 as amended) of the 2011 Retired Members’ Conference which noted the efforts of many branches and branch retired members’ groups to retain members when they retire but regretted the apparent lack of support, co-ordination and reporting to sustain these efforts. The resolution instructed the National Retired Members’ Committee (NRMC), […]

The impact of cuts on women in policing.

Conference notes the disproportionate attack the governments austerity measures are having on women. Within the public sector workforce; 735,000 women make up 64% of the workforce; public sector job losses and the cuts will impact on them disproportionally, when compared to the effects on men. With unemployment amongst women at a 24 year high, and […]

Stress in the workplace

Conference due to overwhelming cuts in policing, police staff are facing increased pressure due to the reductions in the workforce. Police staff are being disproportionately affected and bearing the full brunt of this governments cuts agenda. With many posts being made redundant this has put an increased pressure on the staff remaining to do more […]

Stop Privatisation Campaign

Conference applauds the success of the West Midlands Police branch in fighting privatisation of the police service at West Midlands Police. Conference further notes that this success was achieved by: 1)The branch developing a proper plan and working jointly with the West Midlands Regional Office and the National Office. 2)Lots of branch activists taking an […]

Privatisation of Policing

This conference notes its concern that recent developments within the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)/Crime Prevention Initiatives (CPI) include the decision that some Crime Prevention work currently undertaken by Police staff/officers will now be able to be carried out by private consultants (retired Police Officers/staff). There has been no consultation with Forces, UNISON or […]

Transforming Rehabilitation

Conference notes with grave concern the Government’s plans to break apart the Probation Service in England and Wales, as set out in ‘Transforming Rehabilitation: A Strategy for Reform’, published in May 2013. If the plans were to be achieved, it would lead to: 1)The splitting of the current Probation workforce into: a)a small residual public […]

Police Force Mergers

Following the merger of Scotland’s Police Forces it is anticipated that forces in England and Wales are likely to face similar proposals. To ensure Regional Service Groups and Branches are in a position to respond to the challenges which will arise it is important that we develop a coherent national strategy. Conference therefore calls upon […]

Police Integrity

Conference welcomes the initiative led by the Home Secretary to improve standards of integrity in the police service in England and Wales. Conference notes that: 1)A number of chief constables in England and Wales have been suspended and others have been the subject of the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) or criminal investigations. 2)The Leveson […]

Police and Crime Commissioners: Stage 2 Transfers

Conference is extremely concerned at the lack of Home Office guidance for the Stage 2 transfers of police staff from the employment of police and crime commissioners (PCCs) to chief constables or local authorities. Conference notes that: 1)UNISON wrote to the Police Minister on 11 January 2013 to ask about plans to reconvene the Home […]

Pay Consultation Procedures: Police and Justice Service Group

This Conference approves the report of the Police and Justice Service Group Executive on Pay Consultation Procedures set out below: Pay Consultation Procedures: Police and Justice Service Group 1. This report sets out the Service Group Executive’s consultation procedure with members and branches on employers’ pay offers. The Police and Justice Service Group Conference is […]

Going to a GO CO

Probation members have enjoyed a good working relationship with their employers both on a local and national basis, our members feel valued and believe that they have a good employer. They are however, shocked to discover that the current government does not value them in the same way. The government intends to create going concerns […]

Probation Restructure to Threaten TUPE?

Probation members perform a vast diversity of roles within the Public Sector Probation Service. Our members are skilled, dedicated, and experienced in the supervision and case management of all tiers of offenders. However, should this government’s plans to fragment the probation service as we know it come to fruition, and the staff group is split […]


Conference is aware that health and social care are areas of major concern to retired members and that the changes to the NHS arising from the Health and Social Care Act 2012 will impact on the services provided to older people. Conference notes that UNISON fought a hard battle against the government’s Health and Social […]