Quality Contracts and the effects on bus company employees

Conference welcomes the involvement of the PTE Sector Committee in the close working relationship with Pteg through the auspices of the Public Transport Forum (PTF). Conference congratulates them on the work they have done in the promotion of quality contracts to ensure that the public will enjoy a bus service that they can be proud […]


Conference will be aware of the rush to outsource many of the functions following the privatisation of the UK Water Industry in 1989. The consequential effect of those outsourcings left our members with the loss of occupational pension final year salary schemes and a gradual loss of terms and conditions. Conference notes that the trend […]

Disability Equality within the Water Industry

We welcome the changes to legislation passed in April 2005 and coming into force December 2006. This will impose a new disability equality duty on public bodies. However we are concerned that the water industry may not be covered by the new duties. We believe these new duties could contribute towards a barrier-free society and […]

Wheechair Access to Water Coolers

Conference welcomes the decision of the Water and Environment Service Group Executive to launch the Water@Work campaign as part of the wider Water for Health Alliance in liaison with Water UK, WaterAid, and various water companies. Conference recognises that the health benefits of drinking water regularly are incontrovertible and that well hydrated workers have been […]

Health and Safety Reps Seminar

The Service Groups covered by the Business and Environment Unit held a successful Seminar of Health & Safety Reps at National level in the early part of this decade. Many Health and Safety related legislative changes that affect members in the Water & Environment Service Group have occurred since this time and this Water & […]

Closer joint working between the Water and Environment and Transport Group Executive

Conference notes that the NEC is undertaking a major review of Service Group and branch structures in line with the motion carried at last year’s National Delegate Conference. Conference further notes that discussions between the Water and Environment, Transport and Energy Service Group Executives about a possible merger did not command the necessary support at […]

Jamaica Violence

This Conference notes: The senseless execution of Steve Harvey, a gay man who ran Jamaica AIDS Support for Life, an HIV/AIDS organisation on the island. He was abducted and shot dead on 30 November 2005. Conference further notes that over the last 18 months, that the murders of gay men in Jamaica are receiving more […]

Paid Black Officers

Conference is appalled at the lack of implementation of motion 202 passed at the 1997 national delegate conference despite opposition from the NEC. This motion called for paid black officers to be available in all regions in a similar way to the availability of Women’s Officers. Members note that despite the implementation of this motion […]

Lack of Visibility of Black Members: Attendace at UNISON’s Conferences

The North West Regional Black Members’ Group are concerned at the low and decreasing numbers of Black Members attending UNISON’s Conferences. It was noted in 2005 that the numbers of Black Members who attended; Women’s’ Conference, Health Conference, Local Government Conference, National Delegate Conference and all the Service Group Conferences held this year was significantly […]

Support for Members’ personal developments with the Health Service on knowledge and skills framework

Conference welcomes the provisions initiated by the government in introducing Knowledge and Skills Framework in the Health service. We consider the KSF provisions would provide opportunities for black member working at lower level within the NHS to develop their learning skills and career development within the Health Service. We call upon the National Black Members’ […]

Progress of Black members issues in UNISON

Black members remain increasingly concerned that certain repeat issues brought to National Black Members Conference for the NBMC and NEC to action on our behalf, remain unactioned. Members need only look at the range of repeat motions brought to conference to see that the repeat nature of the motions implies that Black members do not […]

Race Equality Schemes

Conference notes the lack of implementation regarding Race Equality Schemes. Since 31 May 2005 organisations had to be compliant. Unfortunately little is being done to assess organistions to assess whether they are compliant or not. 1. We call upon the NBMC/NEC to liase with a) Service groups to monitor what is happening in branches; b) […]

Fair Representation and Proportionality

Conference remains concerned about the lack of uniformity from Regions and Branches in implementing Rule 1.4 of the rulebook. Conference also notes that UNISON has anti-discrimination policies which state that the principles of proportionality and fair representation shall be adhered to in the election of delegates and representatives. However, despite UNISON rules and anti-discrimination policies […]

Mapping of Black Members

Conference notes that successive reports commissioned by the TUC and government’s own statistics that confirm that Black workers continue to be concentrated in the lowest paid jobs. Conference further notes the increase in attacks against the Black communities following the tragic London bombing in July 05 and the BNP for its attempt to exploit the […]

Citizenship Rights

This Conference deplores the fact that children born in this country can be denied citizenship rights depending upon the nationality of their parents. We note that this disgraceful discrimination on grounds of nationality disproportionately disadvantages black and ethnic minority people and that an increasing number of young people have, for example, difficulty in obtaining passport […]