Conference regrets that in his March 2008 Budget, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, again failed to increase the basic state pension to restore its value if the link to average earnings had not been broken by Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative Government. Pensioners should have an immediate rise now to restore the pension value and […]

Flexible Working

Conference is appalled that police forces are using the notion of flexible working to pursue an agenda of rationalisation which in reality is a cost cutting exercise and one based on more ‘for less’. UNISON condemns this practice that requires our members to work longer hours for no increase in salary, a pay cut by […]


This conference recognises that the government’s simplification of dental charges was a worthy aim. However, it has recently been announced that dental charges paid by NHS patients have increased by over £1 million per week. There are three bands of charging and it would appear that many treatments are charged at the highest band of […]


This conference calls upon the National Retired Members’ Committee and the National Executive Council to make representations to government on behalf of pensioners protesting against a reduction in the chiropody service through the closure of chiropody clinics.


Conference has been appalled to read in the press that a retired couple elected to commit suicide rather than face being separated into different care homes when one partner becomes unable to care for the other. It is unacceptable that couples who’ve been together for most of their lives are separated at a time when […]


It has been more than ten years since we were promised that all hospital wards would be ‘single sex’. We are now advised that this will now not be possible and that hospitals will be encouraged to work towards providing ‘single bays’ We recognise that whilst everyone is concerned by this decision we consider that […]


This Retired Members’ Conference deplores the inequality in Social Care in the Community. Having closed Old People’s Homes and promising that this was so that the money could be used to assist people in their own homes, it appears to be another postcode lottery as to what assistance is given and to what is free […]

Gun and Knife Crime

This Conference notes with concern that gang culture is widespread amongst some young people within some parts of the UK. Increasingly, young people are joining gangs, often carrying imitation or real firearms and knives, both for protection and as part of their image. Conference believes that the devastating consequences of gun and knife crime across […]

Defending and Promoting Multiculturalism

Conference notes that recent months have seen sections of the media and politicians attempt to discredit multiculturalism by holding it responsible for various social problems. Conference condemns in particular statements made by government ministers and media coverage designed to create a climate of Islamophobic hysteria and isolate, demonise and even criminalise Islamic religious practices, choice […]


Conference welcomes the fact that UNISON has adopted comprehensive policy on Palestine at successive national delegate conferences in 2005, 2006 and 2007. Conference notes that 2007 marked the fortieth anniversary of the illegal Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. 2008 marks the sixtieth anniversary of the “Nakba” which […]

Basic State Pension

Conference notes the Government’s eventual recognition that the pensions-earnings link should be restored and that employers should no longer be able to evade taking some responsibility for their employees pensions. Conference does not, however, accept the Government’s proposals that: 1)the link will not be restored before 2012; 2)even then, restoration will only occur “subject to […]

Home Care Services

Conference notes: 1)composite E passed at 2007 National Delegate Conference of UNISON, regarding Home Care; 2)that despite the sentiments of this motion, the Employers and Government have accelerated the drive to privatise and destroy publicly provided health and social care services; 3)this has led to the undermining of conditions and pay for a predominately (and […]

Strategic Service Delivery Partnerships/Shared Services

Conference notes that the government is promoting Strategic Service-delivery Partnerships (SSP), Public Private Partnerships (PPP) and the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) in local government. We are concerned that these policies will have a detrimental impact on our members’ terms and conditions of employment. The roll out of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health […]


Conference notes that 3.5 million older people in the UK live alone due to factors which include bereavement and social isolation. Women are particularly affected as they are more likely than men to be widowed e.g. 3 in 5 women aged 75 and over live alone. Conference further notes that for single persons or persons […]

Local Strategic Partnerships

Conference notes that services delivered under the auspices of “Local Strategic Partnerships” (LSP’s) will have an increasingly significant impact on UNISON members in many Service Groups; but it will impact in particular, and sooner, on members in Local Government because of the leading role local authorities have in LSP’s and the planned shift in funding. […]