A Future Sustainable Energy Industry

Conference welcomes UNISON’s approach to the UK’s future energy needs. It is clear that to develop a sustainable energy industry capable of meeting the legitimate needs of the public will require a mixed approach to generation. This must include a significant role for renewables and micro generation for small scale use, particularly for the domestic […]

Global Warming Effects

Conference notes with concern the dramatic effect flooding had across many parts of the UK during 2007. Most experts including the Environment Agency and many climatologists are attributing the events to global warming. The 2007 floods showed how unprepared we are to deal with the consequences of localised flooding, let alone rising sea levels. The […]

Centrica Pensions

This Conference notes with concern the policy of companies within the energy industry to close final salary pension schemes. This has moved forward with the announcement by Centrica pensions to fundamentally change their entire pension portfolio, where the protected final salary scheme is to be transferred resulting in increased contributions and reduced benefits for our […]


Conference notes the ‘Moving On up’ report published by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) IN March 2007 which found that Caribbean, Pakistani and Bangladeshi girls obtain better GCSE grades , including Maths and English than white British boys. Yet Caribbean, Bangladeshi and Pakistani women graduates seeking work are five times more likely to be unemployed […]

Devolution and the Functioning of the Service Group Executive

Conference proudly acknowledges that the activists and staff who support our health members at UK, regional and branch levels are second to none in their commitment, knowledge, skill and expertise. Conference recognises the enormous amount of work that has been done for the benefit of our members and UNISON in the face of huge challenges […]

Private Contractors and the KSF

This conference welcomes the framework agreement which has rolled out Agenda for Change into the private contractors who currently operate in the NHS. Conference believes that this should apply to the whole agreement and is concerned that a commitment to learning and development of staff may be lost. Conference calls on the Health Service Group […]

Agenda for Change – On-Call Review

Conference notes that the current unsocial hours review proposals exclude on-call arrangements that are to be dealt with separately. Conference also notes that on-call arrangements have a particular relevance for minority staff groups, including those represented through UNISON’s Professional and Technical B Sector, and have a lesser impact on the majority of NHS staff and […]

Privatisation of Patient Transport Services

Conference notes with concern the continuing threat to Patient Transport Services (PTS) posed by privatisation including a reduction in patient transport care levels and the creation of a two-tier PTS workforce. Conference also notes the damaging effect this outsourcing has on NHS Ambulance Trusts’ capacity to provide comprehensive back up and support to their front […]

MUFTI Allowance

Since the implementation of Agenda for change, many NHS employers have discontinued the practice of paying ‘mufti’ allowance . A Q& A issued from the Staff Council stated: Section 19, annex O “We have been asked for advice on ‘MUFTI’ allowances. There is no national provision for this within Agenda for Change. MUFTI is not […]


The NHS has many staff at every level, up to and including Executive Directors and Chief Executives, who work for or have interests in private healthcare providers. This is particularly relevant in the ambulance sector. Private healthcare providers who actively compete for and win Patient Transport Services contracts in England, have been historically staffed by […]

Organising Administrative & Clerical Staff

Conference recognises that many of the attacks on the NHS over the last few years have centred on Administrative and Clerical staff. These include: – 1)Outsourcing and offshoring medical secretarial work; 2)Centralisation of payroll functions; 3)Privatisation of payroll functions; 4)The wholescale privatisation of logistics in England. As the pressure for “efficiency savings” grows, workforce plans […]

Car Parking Charges : No Charges in our NHS

Increasingly workers in the NHS face car parking charges as a ‘tax’ for working in an essential public service. We should start with the premise that parking should be free. Conference, therefore, seeks the issuing to branches of a negotiating guide and a national campaign on car parking based on the following principles (to be […]

AFC – Resourcing the Knowledge and Skills Framework

Conference welcomes the re-launch of the Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) in 2007 and recognises that this aspect of Agenda for Change had been severely compromised by financial constraints. Despite these positive developments Conference remains concerned that resources allocated for application of staff training and development including the KSF are most vulnerable in times of […]

Learning Disability Nurse Training

This conference is becoming increasingly alarmed at reports from across the United Kingdom that learning disability (LD) nurse training is being discontinued or is only taking place in one regional centre. We are also concerned that this seems to be occurring with no proper discussion with the unions, Trusts, carers or service users themselves. There […]

Needlestick Injuries

Conference notes the continued threat to health & well being of health care staff caused by needlestick injuries. Some estimates put the total number of exposures in the UK to blood borne viruses (HIV, Hep C & Hep B) in healthcare settings caused by sharps injuries as high as 100,000. It also notes with alarm […]