Older Shift Workers

Conference notes with pleasure the work that is currently being done on ageism and, notes with some degree of caution, the occasional remarks from our Prime Minister and members of the cabinet about the opportunities for us to carry on working to age of 70 and beyond. Conference is also aware that within the Police […]

Police Communications and Control Rooms

Conference recalls a lengthy motion agreed at last year’s conference regarding Police Communications and Joint Control Rooms. It also recalls that the motion identified the many problems suffered by members within this area of work. With the role out of Airwaves the workload has increased without an increase in staffing. With sickness in these rooms […]

Integrated Competency Framework

Conference acknowledges the work of the Police Skills and Standards Organisation in designing the Integrated Competency Framework (ICF). The ICF combines the National Competency Framework and National Occupational Standards within the police service. It also links to the Home Office Performance Development Review (PDR) Scheme which is being implemented by police forces for police staff. […]

Fair pay for police staff

In 2003 this Conference approved Composite C, Fair pay for Police Staff. This motion instructed the Service Group Executive to: 1)enter into negotiations with the employers to establish a similar scheme for UNISON members in order to re-address the pay gap; 2)report back in full to the 2003 National Service Group Seminar. This Conference instructs […]

Service Group Conference

In 2002, at the Service Group Conference, Composite 1 was approved by Conference. This composite called for the Service Group Executive to merge the Annual Service Group Conference and Annual Seminar in a single 2/3 day event away from the National Delegate Conference. In its annual report of 2003 the Service Group Executive stated that: […]

Policing the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003

Conference notes: 1)that the long-awaited legislation protecting workers from discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation has now been in force for a number of months; 2)that many police service equalities policies already included sexual orientation, and others have now been amended. However, Conference notes that we need now to activate these policies and there is […]

Removal of Unnecessary Police Management

Conference notes with pride the unity that forming our Service Group has brought to the family that makes up Police Staff. We note the strength that unity brings to us and we are aware that we are now able to influence the way we work, our employers and our law makers. Unity brings strength and, […]

Fast Tracking NHS Staff back to work

Conference notes that despite a wide range of positive initiatives to recruit staff there is still a shortage of staff working in the NHS. Positive recruitment initiatives only partly meet the challenging needs of the NHS. Retention of staff is equally if not more important in maintaining service delivery and continuity of staffing skills and […]

Keep the NHS Public

This Conference is deeply disappointed that the Government won a narrow majority to establish Foundation Trusts. However it believes that the strong campaign of opposition led by UNISON at all levels of the organisation achieved significant concessions from the Government. The NHS continues to face significant attacks from the privateers both within and outside of […]

Access to Training and Education for “Non-Professional Staff”

Conference is concerned that access to training and education for “non-professional” staff is very limited or in reality non-existent in some workplaces. All staff in the NHS are important and essential to the delivery of services in the NHS. Therefore all staff should have equal access to training and education. Staff classified as “professional” are […]

Student Nurse Training – Secondment Opportunity

Conference welcomes the increased opportunities in certain areas for existing staff to undertake Nurse Training as part of a secondment opportunity. This Conference believes that by utilising the skills and experience of existing health workers all of the NHS will benefit with increased recruitment and importantly retention of Nursing Staff. This Conference however notes with […]

Recruitment and Representation of Senior Managers

This Conference is deeply concerned at the levels of membership amongst Senior Managers in Health branches. UNISON is rightly proud of being the major public sector union and in representing all grades of staff. However research shows very low levels of membership density amongst Senior Managers. We call upon the Health Group Executive to: 1.Work […]

Migrant Health Workers

Conference is increasingly concerned at the exploitation of migrant Health workers, which is taking place in Health Services in the UK. We recognise that the NHS has taken significant steps to address the exploitation and we welcomed the guidance, which was issued in 2003. However, during 2003 an estimated 40,000 overseas nurses applied for nursing […]

Staffing Levels

Conference deplores the cost cutting measures employed within NHS Hospital and Primary Care Trusts which have resulted in falling staff levels in wards, departments and community services throughout the Health Service. Low staffing levels result in increased ill health absences which only exacerbates the situation for those staff still at work. Moreover, staff are often […]

Childrens Trusts

Conference welcomes the introduction of greater co-operation and joint working between health and social services as demonstrated by the introduction of Children’s and Older Persons/Adults trusts. Many of our members already work in integrated service under Section 31 funding arrangements or through other joint funding regimes on a variety of secondment or other employment arrangements. […]