Where next for Libraries and Leisure Services?

Conference notes with concern the attack libraries and leisure facilities have faced under the coalition government. As budget cuts have hit hard, councils have explored a number of options which have included: dramatically scaling back on library and leisure services, alternative models to deliver services, or closing facilities. Libraries do more than simply loan books; […]

Rule D Service Group Executive

D 3.5.8 add at end: “She/he may stand as a candidate in an election or by-election for a seat on a Service Group Executive, subject to Rule D.2.3.4. If elected, she/he will be deemed to have resigned from the National Executive Council from the commencement of the period of office for the Service Group Executive […]

Campaign for a fairer funding settlement for Local Government

This conference notes that UNISON believes that local authorities will be pushed to breaking point by the latest round of multibillion pound cuts to their funding announced in the last round of the Coalition Government’s spending review. This is despite the communities and local government minister, Kris Hopkins, view that the Government announced what he […]

Women Apprentices

Conference notes the much lower number of women who become apprentices in areas such as engineering, construction and information technology, and that occupational segregation within the energy sector is widespread. Whilst there are apprenticeships available for women, female dominated areas tend to offer lower wages and less chance of career progression, therefore women apprentices are […]

Outsourcing, Pay and National Joint Council (NJC) Terms and Conditions

Conference notes with concern that local government workers pay is falling behind other public and private workers. Many employers are trying to move away from NJC pay and terms and conditions with the result that the NJC could be left to ‘wither on the vine’. The trade unions must take decisive action to prevent its […]

Stop the mutualisation of the fire service

Service Group Conference notes with deep concern the former government’s announcement of plans to turn fire authorities into mutuals. Under the plans, the government would change the law to allow fire authorities to set themselves up as independent social enterprise companies outside the public sector. They would then be contracted to provide geographical fire cover […]

Future Pay Consultation

Conference we welcome the opportunity to debate the protocols regarding consultation on any future pay awards within Local Government. Our current procedures ensure that the National Joint Council (NJC) representatives make recommendations on whether any proposals or offers are put to our members. In order to ensure we support our NJC reps, to allow them […]

Pay Consultation Procedures

Conference notes that the 2014 Local Government Conference agreed 10 core principles for revised Local Government Service Group pay consultation procedures. These were: 1)To consult all members in a sector on a final pay offer, once negotiations are deemed to be exhausted by the Sector Committee; or to consult all members in a sector on […]

Pay Consultation Procedures

The recent pay campaigns for members covered by both SJC and NJC highlighted areas requiring improvement such as lay activist involvement and difficulties with other trade unions. Pay is of the utmost importance to our members and in order to be effective in ending pay freezes, below inflation pay rises and further eradication of Terms […]

Campaigning for Fair Pay for Local Government Workers

Conference recognises that the pay of local government workers has been in decline for many years as part of a deliberate politically driven policy of successive governments and that the challenge facing UNISON is to reverse this trend. This is not an issue that should be seen as an annual pay round but a longer […]

Pay Campaign

The Cymru Wales Local Government committee recognises that UNISON has to be reflective and self-critical over how we have managed pay campaigns across our Service Group over recent years but specifically over the conduct of how we managed the 2014/15 NJC pay campaign and how we dealt with the 2014-16 employers’ pay proposal. As part […]

Central Collective Bargaining and UNISON Strategy

The 2014/15 pay rounds presented the union with a series of difficult challenges. Those challenges, and the proposals to resolve them, were finally determined by the membership through UNISON’s exemplary democratic process. There is a clear determination from the current UK Coalition Government to break central collective bargaining such as the NJC and to replace […]

Pay Campaign, lack of action

This Special Conference notes the lack of national leadership by our union in our recent pay dispute. In particular we note the lack of action following the July 10th strike. This strike day should have been followed by an intensive well financed national campaign to rouse our members to take further action. Instead month followed […]

Young Workers Month

Conference welcomes the work of UNISON’s National and Regional Young Members Forums to raise the profile of young workers and young members through activity during young workers month, which is now held in November each year under the auspices of the TUC. Conference believes that recruiting young workers and organising young members is an all-year-round […]

The 2014 – 16 NJC Pay Proposals

This Special Conference notes the 2014/15 NJC Pay Claim submitted on 5 November 2013 was for: · A minimum increase of £1 an hour on scale point 5 to achieve the Living Wage and the same flat rate increase on all pay scale points. This Special Conference also notes: · The claim was based on […]