Pay Consultation Procedures

The recent pay campaigns for members covered by both SJC and NJC highlighted areas requiring improvement such as lay activist involvement and difficulties with other trade unions. Pay is of the utmost importance to our members and in order to be effective in ending pay freezes, below inflation pay rises and further eradication of Terms […]

Campaigning for Fair Pay for Local Government Workers

Conference recognises that the pay of local government workers has been in decline for many years as part of a deliberate politically driven policy of successive governments and that the challenge facing UNISON is to reverse this trend. This is not an issue that should be seen as an annual pay round but a longer […]

Pay Campaign

The Cymru Wales Local Government committee recognises that UNISON has to be reflective and self-critical over how we have managed pay campaigns across our Service Group over recent years but specifically over the conduct of how we managed the 2014/15 NJC pay campaign and how we dealt with the 2014-16 employers’ pay proposal. As part […]

Central Collective Bargaining and UNISON Strategy

The 2014/15 pay rounds presented the union with a series of difficult challenges. Those challenges, and the proposals to resolve them, were finally determined by the membership through UNISON’s exemplary democratic process. There is a clear determination from the current UK Coalition Government to break central collective bargaining such as the NJC and to replace […]

Pay Campaign, lack of action

This Special Conference notes the lack of national leadership by our union in our recent pay dispute. In particular we note the lack of action following the July 10th strike. This strike day should have been followed by an intensive well financed national campaign to rouse our members to take further action. Instead month followed […]

The 2014 – 16 NJC Pay Proposals

This Special Conference notes the 2014/15 NJC Pay Claim submitted on 5 November 2013 was for: · A minimum increase of £1 an hour on scale point 5 to achieve the Living Wage and the same flat rate increase on all pay scale points. This Special Conference also notes: · The claim was based on […]

The decision to cancel strike action for 14 October 2014

This Special Conference believes the decision of the NJC Committee on 9th October to suspend the action planned for 14th October was a grave error which completely undermined the national campaign to secure a decent pay rise for Local Government members and an end to five years of real terms cuts in our member’s living […]

The 2014-2016 NJC (National Joint Council) Pay Proposals

This Conference endorses the 2014/15 NJC pay claim for a flat rate increase sufficient to raise scale point 5 to the Living Wage outside London. Conference deplores the fact that the 2014-2016 NJC pay proposals fall so very far short of achieving the 2014/15 claim. The 2.2% increase on most spine points perpetuates declining living […]

Decision To Cancel Strike Action On 14th October

This Special Conference believes the decision of the NJC Committee on 9th October to suspend the action planned for 14th October was a grave error which completely undermined the national campaign to secure a decent pay rise for Local Government members and an end to five years of real terms cuts in our member’s living […]

Electronic Methods of Consultation

This conference notes that: 1)encouraging members to vote in union consultations is vital, both so that we can reflect the wishes of our membership and so that we can demonstrate strength of feeling amongst the membership to the employers; 2)low turnout in union consultations is a problem which we should try to combat as much […]

Stand up to anti immigrant racism in the NHS

Conference notes that since the current government came to power in 2010, public services have been subject to savage cuts. Consequently, despite growing demands on the health service because of an aging population, there has been a significant cut in staffing levels. Since the Mid-Staffordshire report on safe staffing levels, the health service has begun […]

Privatisation of the Probation Service

Conference notes that the tory government’s success in the general election means that they will now, undoubtedly, continue with their plans for the privatisation of the probation service. Clearly this has major implications for all UNISON members in the service, but there are particular issues facing women workers: 1) The majority of the redundancies in […]


Conference, elderly and retired people deserve to have a decent state pension. Conference asserts that the state pension is not a benefit but is ours by right. Conference believes that older people are being hit particularly hard by current austerity measures. The basic State Retirement Pension which for many on the 6th April, 2015 will […]

Rise of Racism in the UK

Conference, a recent study commissioned by NatCen, an organisation which looks into British Social Attitudes has overwhelmingly established that racism is on the rise. While thirty per cent of Britons described themselves as having “very or a little prejudice against people of other races”, the survey also outlined that attitudes have changed since the 1980’s […]

Regional Collaboration

Many forces across the country will have an experience of shared service arrangements between forces sometimes know as collaboration. The North West is no exception to this but is concerned at the growth of collaboration arrangements that have, in our experience, proved to be an excuse for empire building and an opportunity to try and […]