Defending Public Sector Pensions

Conference condemns the continuing attacks from politicians, the media and employers on public sector pensions. These attacks often use misleading statements referring to public sector pensions as ‘gold-plated’ or claim that there is ‘pensions apartheid’ between public and private sector workers. Conference acknowledges the growing gap between public and private sector pensions, but this is […]

Women and Pensions

Conference notes with alarm the increasing and unwarranted attacks on public sector pensions. Whilst it is true to say that a growing gap between public and private sector pensions caused by the employer retreat from decent pensions in the private sector, it is wrong to conclude that the answer is to level down public sector […]

Demand Change!

Conference is concerned by the fact that enshrined within the UK’s current legislation is men’s right to buy women. This is directly contradictory to a society based on gender equality. Prostitution is not a job like any other. It is characterised by violence and abuse that has profound physical and psychological consequences for those selling […]

The Future UNISON Members

Conference notes UNISON’s commitment to supporting young people out of unemployment through campaigning for the creation of high-quality apprenticeships which do not replace existing jobs. Apprentices are not however, the only people in training; in our colleges and universities, students in nursing, social work, community and early years education are just some examples of students […]

Disabled people’s experience of targeted violence and hostility

Conference notes that a recent report entitled ‘Promoting Safety and Security of Disabled People’ published by the Equality and Human Rights Commission showed that disabled people are at greater risk of being victims of targeted violence and hostility. The report stated that disabled people are four times more likely to be a victim of crime; […]

Awareness of non apparent disabilities

Conference agrees that both the Disability Discrimination Act and the Public Sector Equality Duty have advanced the cause of reducing discrimination against disabled workers in the workplace. However, not all forms of disability are apparent to any other person except the individual directly affected. Workers with non apparent disabilities, whether mental health, physical or other […]

Rule C Membership Scope of Representation

Rule C 1.1 In the last line after “services”, insert “police and justice sectors”

Local Government Reserves; employment and public services for disabled people

Conference congratulates the East Midlands UNISON Region and Nottinghamshire UNISON Branch on their campaign to protect jobs and services and in particular their success in forcing the newly elected Conservative Council to delay the sale of residential care homes, retain community transport for 2010/11 and reduce planned increases in meals on wheels prices. Conference recognises […]

Training and Support for Personal Assistants

UNISON represents over 300,000 members working in all aspects of social care. It is now over 10 years since direct payments were first introduced for adults of working age. More recently they were extended to older people and to carers and parents of disabled children. It is estimated that there are now over 55,000 direct […]

Social Care, Privatisation and Disability

Conference restates its support for the principle that disabled people should have as much independence and control over their own care and support arrangements as is right for them whether by opting for local authority provision or through direct payments, provision should be subjected to a level playing field of regulation regimes, financial scrutiny, employment […]

School Support Staff

As a largely female, low paid workforce, organising and recruiting school support staff to improve terms and conditions has to be at the heart of UNISON’s agenda. The newly developed School Support Staff Negotiating Body will provide an opportunity to address discrepancies in pay and working conditions in schools. Conference will be aware of the […]

Sector Bargaining

Conference rejects calls by politicians and academics for local or individual bargaining in Local Government. Conference notes that the Local Government Employers (LGE) has given notice to terminate the JNC for Craft Workers to incorporate them into the NJC bargaining machinery. LGE have for some time been considering single table bargaining for all local government […]

Because You’re Worth It

Conference rejects the Local Government Employers’ ‘pay freeze’ imposed on the 1.4 million local government workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Conference deplores the fact that the employers have come to such a position without any negotiation. So far no offer has been made in Scotland in response to the SJC TU side pay […]


It is well known that young people are the future of this organisation and with that in mind we need a targeted advertising campaign to recruit more young Black members into UNISON, working directly with NUS Black Student campaign, UNISON young members and other Black orientated youth organisations. This conference is also aware that Apprenticeship […]

Medical Procedures in Schools, Colleges and Nurseries

Conference notes that education has become more inclusive with increasing numbers of children and young people attending mainstream schools, colleges and nurseries and extended school services. UNISON supports inclusive education but believes, for the safety and well being of children and staff, this must be adequately resourced, planned and supported. Conference further notes that UNISON […]