
As a modern trade union, UNISON encourages the use of partnership as a legitimate bargaining tool. The benefits of partnership are important to our service group. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to 1)promote partnership within the service group; 2)create partnerships at a national level with key organisations including the employers, their associates and other […]

Equal Pay

Conference is reminded that two-thirds of UNISON’s police members are women. This is in line with the gender profile of UNISON’s membership nationally. UNISON as a national union is committed to removing all forms of discrimination from the workplace. And the removal of pay discrimination is high on UNISON’s list of priorities. Conference welcomes the […]

Promotion of Local Government Services Awareness

Conference notes with concern that politician and media references to public services tend to be limited to nurses and teachers or in this last year fire-fighters. UNISON’s largest service group, those who work in local government, have a wide diversity of jobs, but are rarely mentioned. Conference believes that imbalance of awareness needs to be […]

Forget League Tables and Find the Funding

Conference condemns the Government’s rating system for local authorities as little more than an attempt to divert public attention away from the real issue of prolonged under-funding. A league table of ratings is so general and simplistic that it will not even provide a realistic basis for identifying to the public which individual pieces within […]

Rule C.2.6 Retired Members

C.2.6.1 delete “immediately”. Add new sub-paragraph: “C.2.6.2Persons in paid employment in areas where UNISON does not organise, eligible for retired membership as set out in C.2.6.1, can apply for retired membership when they cease to be in paid employment.” Renumber old sub-paragraph C.2.6.2 to C.2.6.3 and in second sentence delete “only” Add new sub-paragraphs: “C.2.6.4They […]

End Ring Fencing of Local Government Finance

This Conference notes with concern the continued practice of ring fencing local government finance to initiatives decided by National Governments. The practice of ring fencing has a number of negative effects on local government and these include: 1)The fact that such money is often dressed up in the media as new money for existing services […]

Modernisation of Public Services

Conference notes the continuing commitment of UNISON members in Local Government to improving the quality of services provided to local communities. UNISON members work with the most disadvantaged and vulnerable people in these communities and are fully aware of the need for improvements in the range, quantity and quality of services provided. This is necessary […]

Two Tier Workforce

This Conference notes with delight the change of heart by this Labour Government on the two – tier workforce. However, Conference asks the Service Group Executive to make absolutely certain that the term ‘Local Government’ embraces Police Authorities.

Lack of Recruitment of Disabled Ethnic Minorities Within Police Staffs

This Conference is concerned that Disabled ethnic minority workers experience double disadvantage because of failures in recruitment processes within Police Staffs. Whilst there is a drive to recruit ethnic minorities within the police, there is no focus on targeting disabled ethnic minority staff. Many forces appear to have taken no initiatives to improve the employment […]

Removal of Mandatory Punitive Sanctions

This Service Group Conference instructs the Police Staff Service Group Executive to take the necessary steps through PSSC, ACPO and HMIC to work towards the removal of mandatory punitive sanctions, when used as part of managing attendance policies. Such punitive measures as bans on overtime, promotion and career changes. This would remove the principal inherent […]

Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000

Conference notes that a large proportion of the 6% of Black and Minority Ethnic Workers (BME) who work in the public sector work directly for or indirectly with local Government and believes that the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 (RRAA) provides UNISON with an opportunity to improve the recruitment and organisation of black members. Conference […]

Future Anti-Discrimination Legislation for Disabled People

Conference notes with concern the failure of the Government to deliver its commitment to full comprehensive civil rights for disabled people in the UK. Conference is further alarmed by the Government’s apparent intention to proceed with the establishment of a single equalities commission with accompanying single equality legislation, despite severe misgivings on the part of […]

Schedule D.26 Disciplinary Procedures

Delete sub-paragraph D.26(3). Insert new sub-paragraph D.26(3): “3)A member may appeal upon any or all of the following grounds: (a)that the provisions of Rule I and Schedule D were not complied with at or before the original hearing, and/or; (b)that the Committee’s decision to find a charge or charges proven was unreasonable, and/or; (c)the sanction […]

Cochlear Implants

UNISON’s policy has long established the union’s support for the Social Model of Disability. The National Disabled Members Committee (NDMC) has been instrumental in advising the union about how to promote the rehabilitation of the environment and eliminate other barriers that deny disabled people civil rights rather than promote the rehabilitation of the disabled person […]

Fair Representation in Conference Delegations

Conference notes that this is the third year in which the National Executive Council exercising its powers under Rule D.1.3 has required that: 1)branches with three or more conference delegates send at least one low paid delegate and that 2)branches with four or more conference delegates send at least one young delegate. Conference applauds the […]