Global Warming

Conference notes with concern: 1)the growing consensus that global warming is already happening and that the potential consequences of climate change could end up being catastrophic; 2)that so far our political leaders have failed to address the need to significantly cut carbon emissions. Conference believes: a)that introducing ‘green’ taxes will not by themselves achieve the […]

Pension Funds and Capital Stewardship – Toward the Citizen Economy

Conference notes that workers around the world have become “citizen investors” through their occupational pension schemes and savings, and are now collectively the majority owners of most large companies. Conference also recognises growing evidence that good governance of pension funds and active shareholder engagement with companies can improve fund values while simultaneously benefiting employees and […]

Occupational Registration Conduct and Standards

Conference acknowledges the expansion of occupational and professional registration conduct and standards, across the range of areas of UNISON membership. In principle such registration procedures are to be welcomed in: 1)providing public protection and safeguards; 2)protecting practitioners against malicious claims; 3)enhancing standards of service and provision; and, 4)developing occupational and qualification standards as part of […]

Women, Rape, Alcohol and the Law

COMPOSITE C – WOMEN RAPE ALCOHOL AND THE LAW (Emergency Motion – Alcohol & Rape of Women and Emergency Motion 4 – Who’s Perverting the Course of Justice? Under current English and Welsh law rape can only be established if it can be demonstrated that sexual intercourse took place without consent and that the defendant […]

Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is the fourth most common cause of death from cancer amongst women in the United Kingdom (UK) and is known as the silent killer. One-hundred women die each week from ovarian cancer; it is the fourth most common cancer in women, and the biggest gynaecological killer. Every year about 6,000 women in the […]

Cuts to Health Services for Women

The National Health Service (NHS) is in crisis. Much of the government’s injection of additional investment has ended up in the pockets of private companies. The end result of government policies has been job losses, cuts, closures and privatisation. Women form the majority of the workforce in the NHS, and are also disproportionately represented in […]


Conference continues to consider that a just solution to the Palestine-Israel conflict must be based upon international law and Israel should: 1) withdraw to its 1949-67 borders; 2) allow the refugees of 1948 to return home; 3) remove all its settlements from the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Occupied Syrian Al-Joulan; 4) take down the Apartheid […]

Public Services

This is a time of unprecedented change in public services. The government’s reform of our public services seldom translates into anything other than a liberalisation agenda, with markets opened up to the private sector on the false premise that there will be more choice for the ‘consumer’, namely user of public services. The evidence of […]


Conference sends out its deepest sympathies to the families of the young women recently murdered in Ipswich by a serial killer preying on women working in the sex industry. These tragedies highlight once again the vulnerability of women, who for whatever reason, are out and about at night. On November 25th 2006, the Eastern Region […]


This motion is as a result of the Pensions White Paper put before Parliament on Tuesday 16th January 2007. Conference welcomes the improvements to the original proposals for Pension Reform which has been won by a determined coalition of Women Trade Unionists, EOC and Pension Campaigners. Conference notes however that the new proposals still do […]


Conference welcomes the new rights for parents and carers to be introduced in the Work and Families Act, which will come into force in April 2007 It notes that parents and carers struggling to achieve work life balance will now be able to take advantage of the following improvements: 1)Statutory Maternity Pay, Maternity Allowance and […]


This conference notes the War on Want report “Fashion Victims, The true cost of cheap clothes and Primark, Asda and Tesco” published on 8th December 2006, which highlighted the working conditions of the predominantly female workforce within the textile factories in Dhaka, Bangladesh, which produces clothes for Primark, Asda and Tesco. This report found that […]

Definition of Violence Against Women

Research at national and international level has consistently shown that domestic violence is a form of gender specific violence. Violence against women is a violation of internationally guaranteed human rights, rights which the United Kingdom (UK) has signed up to, such as the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against […]

White Ribbon Campaign

For years Women in UNISON have been active in the campaign “Raise the Roof on Domestic Violence”. This campaign has made great progress and now men have launched their own campaign on violence and women. On the White Ribbon campaign website,, it states that the “White Ribbon Campaign UK is the United Kingdom branch […]

Skinny Models

Conference applauds the Spanish government in taking the first step on putting pressure on the Association of Fashion Designers to use a calculation known as the Body Mass Index (BMI), which is based on weight and height to reject excessively thin models. The World Health Organisation says a person’s BMI should be between 18 and […]