Introduction of a 35 Hour Week Across the NHS

Conference for many years, we have debated the 35-hour week acaross our Health Service. UNISON believes all NHS workers should have a right to work that does not damage their health and have freedom to pursue activities arranging work more effectively. Reasons for the 35-hour week are as follows: ·To achieve a work-life balance; ·To […]

Rule D.2.6.1 Elections

Delete all after “later” and insert “.”

Schedule B Members’ Benefits

Delete existing Schedule B Replace with new Schedule B “Schedule B: Members’ benefits 1SCOPE OF MEMBERS’ BENEFITS The Union provides three distinct areas of assistance to support members. 1.1Rule book benefits listed in paragraph 2.1.1 are intended to provide a one off responsive service within a set range of criteria. 1.2Grants for education and training […]

Rule M.1 4 Trustees of Welfare Fund

Delete all of M.1.4 and insert: “1.4 Trustees of UNISON Welfare The UNISON Welfare Board of Trustees shall include NEC members who shall comprise no less than 50% of the membership elected by that body in such manner as it sees fit. Any vacancy in the Board of Trustees may be filled by the National […]

Rule F.1 List of Regions

F.1 insert “Cymru/” before “Wales”

Attacks on Public Sector Pension Schemes

Conference is alarmed at the attacks from the employers and the government on public sector pension schemes. This commenced last year with proposals to significantly reduce the benefits of the local government scheme including raising the age at which pensions would be payable. The government has now issued proposals for consultation which affect most public […]

Rule D.2.5 Young Members Seat

Delete all before “there”

Rule G.2.1.3 The Branch Committee

After “Equality Officer(s)” insert “, Welfare Officer”

Rule D.1.7.7 The Right to Attend and Speak

Delete “15” and replace with “14”

Rule B.1.6 At Work and in the Community

Add new Rule B.1.6: “To promote and improve the health, safety and welfare of members in the workplace.” Renumber rest of Rule B.1.

Rule G.6 Health and Safety Representatives

Add new Rule: “.6Health and Safety Representatives 6.1 One or more health and safety representatives shall be elected annually for each work group or workplace by the members in that group or workplace in accordance with branch arrangements 6.2 The election of each health and safety representative shall be reported to the branch for ratification […]

Rule G.2.2.4 The Branch Committee

Add new Rule G.2.2.4: “.4shall recruit and organise members in all employers and workplaces within the scope of the branch;” Renumber.

Rule G.2.2.3 The Branch Committee

Add new Rule G.2.2.3: “.3shall co-ordinate health and safety activities conducted by health and safety representatives;” Renumber rest of Rule G.2.2.

Disability Discrimination and Health and Safety at Work

Conference welcomes guidance produced by the European safety and health agency that says that health and safety issues should not be used as an excuse for not employing or not continuing to employ disabled people. Its factsheet adds that a workplace that is accessible and safe for disabled people is also safer and more accessible […]

Rule L.2 Members’ Benefits

Delete L.2 and insert new L 2: “.2 The National Executive Council shall take all steps necessary to ensure that the charity – UNISON Welfare, is adequately funded to meet its responsibilities. Within the Constitution and Rules of UNISON Welfare a range of services may be provided as determined by the Board of Trustees, including […]