No to privatisation of police and justice services

This conference is utterly opposed to the privatisation of police and justice services. Conference notes that privatisation is being driven by the Tory-led coalition government on purely ideological and cost–cutting grounds. Conference believes that not only does privatisation fundamentally change the nature of the service, but threatens our terms and conditions. Conference notes that many […]

Disability Leave and Disabled Police and Justice Staff

This Conference is concerned that public sector cuts are being used to impact on the terms and conditions of disabled police staff through abuse of sickness absence management policies and disability leave policies. An increasing number of members working PCSO’s, CSI, kennel staff, mounted staff, custody staff and others report that police authorities are arguing […]

Young member recruitment and organisation

This Conference notes the organising efforts of branches to increase membership and density, despite challenging climate of reducing staff numbers across all Police Forces, Probation Trusts and CAFCASS. Conference notes the aging demographic profile of UNISON membership makes it essential to recruit more young workers. i)Conference calls on the Police & Justice Service Group Executive […]

Dignity in Care

DIGNITY IN CARE Conference welcomes the report of the Commission on Dignity in Care established by the Local Government Association, the National Health Service and AgeUK. However, Conference believes that the report’s recommendations are largely common sense, and would be carried out almost as a matter of course if hospitals and care homes had the […]


DEMENTIA Conference welcomes the PM’s recent announcement that an additional £40 million will be made available for dementia research by 2014, on the basis that “every little helps” and that the main research co-ordinating body, the Alzheimer’s Society, knows well how to exploit the last penny. Cameron’s Dementia Challenge is also a welcome initiative, though […]

Winsor Review

Tom Winsor has now published both parts of his review into Police Officer and Police Staff Remuneration. Part 1 recommendations were all about cuts and changes to police staff terms and conditions to the detriment of our members. There was nothing positive offered in exchange for the cuts and changes, there was a vague mention […]


Conference may be aware that many family members and friends unselfishly act as “at home carers” to provide for the needs of their aged and infirm relatives and friends. This enables those who are being cared for to live, with support, leading an independent life within their own homes in a safe and secure environment. […]

Elderly Social Care and Migrant Workers

Conference notes that the Million Voices Campaign asserts the common interest of public service workers and service users to defend public services and to ensure their quality and effective delivery. In elder/social care, care workers stand alongside care-users and their relatives as guardians of a safe and effective service. Campaigns against the neglect and ill […]

Elderly Abuse Campaign

Motion for Retired Members Conference 2012 From Greater London Region Retired Members Committee Elderly Abuse Campaign Now that UNISON has adopted the campaign as a National Campaign, This conference therefore urges all Branches across the country to support the campaign against Elder Abuse by promoting it amongst its members, getting them to sign the petition […]


Conference is concerned to learn of the problem of domestic violence among older couples. Recent publicity has revealed a previously hidden world in which women have endured decades of abuse which sometimes tragically results in their death. In October 2010 an 81 year old woman died from a bleed to the brain following an alleged […]

Police and Crime Commissioners

On 15th November, Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) will be elected across England and Wales and each will replace the respective Police Authority that is currently in place for their force area. PCC will have responsibility for the full budget of their respective force, including where and how the budget is spent in relation to […]


Conference notes the final offer on the NHS Pension Scheme for England and Wales was published on 9 March 2012. UNISON members in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are currently being balloted on the offer with full information on what it will mean for them and the consequences of rejection. Conference deplores the decision of […]


Conference notes with deep concern new research by UNISON on the disproportionate impact of public service cuts on Black workers. This research, conducted as part of UNISON’s Challenging Racism in the Workplace and piloted in Greater London in November- December 2011 and results of which were analysed in January 2012 showed that Black women working […]

Stephen Lawrence

Conference notes that on 3 January 2012, Stephen Lawrence and his parents finally received some justice, when Gary Dobson and David Norris were found guilty of his racist murder. Stephen Lawrence born on 13 September 1974, murdered by 5 white youths on 22 April 1993 just because he was Black – young and gifted. For […]

COMP C – Equal Marriage

Three in five people of faith in Britain support equal marriage! Stonewall’s five yearly polling of public attitudes shows that more that 80% of British adults under fifty now support the proposal. Civil partnerships are not enough, and as such treat us differently from everyone else. This is discrimination. You should not have to tick […]