Short Term Funding

This Conference notes with alarming concern the failure of this Service Group Executive to implement any of the Motion 27 2004 on this issue. This is an increasingly burning issue in light of the current financial climate within forces, as short-term funding may be the only recourse for forces to be able to continue serving […]


This Conference is again extremely frustrated at the lack of progress in this area. This region agreed to defer last year’s motion as amended by East Midlands Region. this was so the Service Group Executive could enter into dialogue with the Home Office around this issue. to date it is our understanding that this has […]

Career break

This Conference notes that many but not all forces have a career break scheme for Police Staff. Conference notes that career breaks are of benefit to both staff and the employer. Conference calls on the Union’s national negotiators to commence negotiations to include a career break scheme as part of the Police Staff Council Handbook.

Pay Parity

That this Conference believes that the delivery of high quality policing is directly related to the Terms and Conditions of our Police Staff Members in particular parity of pay across all Police Forces. The survey undertaken by UNISON in 2003 of Police Staff pay and conditions clearly highlighted the inconsistencies across the country and set […]

Supporting the Carers

More action from both the government and employers is needed to help families balance work and caring responsibilities. the UK has an ageing population, a falling birth rate and increasing family breakdown. These factors, aswell as lesser mobility, leads to a loss of family networks for many. This means that more often women are simultaneously […]

Lifelong Learning and Women

Conference notes that women earn on average 82p for every £1 men earn. That part-time women workers earn 41p for every £1 full time men earn. That women are often segregated into the lowest paid, lowest status, jobs. Conference notes that the gender pay gap and workplace segregation can be attributed in part to the […]

Equality for Part-Time Workers During Bank Holidays

UNISON members have continuously raised this issue, stating that the current position on part-time workers owing or gaining time off due to pro rata bank holidays is intolerable. As the situation stands, those part-time workers who work the beginning of the week are treated less favourably than those who work the latter, this is especially […]

Improving Access to Facility Time

According to UNISON figures, almost a quarter of UNISON reps are not given paid time off and a further fifth only receive one hour or less a week. It is likely that women activists bear the brunt of inadequate facility time because: 1)most facility time agreements are old and have not been adjusted to reflect […]

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Group

Conference notes that: 1) following many years of informal discussion and several rounds of formal consultation within the lesbian and gay self-organised group, the 2003 Lesbian and Gay Conference agreed that the UNISON lesbian and gay group should be replaced by a UNISON lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender group; 2)the necessary rule change from Lesbian […]

Think Before you Pink

Last year, Conference called for action which would raise the importance of trying to stop breast cancer before it starts. This is about more than having an adequate national screening programme that merely detects a disease which already exists. It is about funding research into why it is that one in every nine women in […]

Eating Disorders

Conference recognises that eating disorders are the most deadly of all mental illnesses, affecting mostly women and teenage girls, and is among the most difficult to treat. Eating disorders can have severe medical consequences including damaging effects on virtually every organ system including cardiac, reproductive, kidney and musculoskeletal. Suicide is also a major risk factor. […]

Mental Health and Wellbeing for Women in Work

Just over 280,000 people in Wales are being treated by their doctor for depression, 195,000 of those are women. These figures are dwarfed by the numbers of people across the UK are are being treated for depression, where three million people are in receipt of doctor support for depression, the overwhelming majority of these are […]

Double Disadvantage

Conference notes the research, conclusions, and recommendations of A Double Disadvantage? Minority Ethnic Women in Trade Unions. The research recommended: 1)mentoring of black activists by more experienced activists and officers – a very important and effective way to learn about the union and to develop skills; 2)support for networking, which is a crucial route into […]

Sickness Absence

Conference notes with some concern the rising prevalence of employer policies dealing with managing sickness absence. Conference is concerned that these policies are implemented without proper negotiations with branches and, as a consequence, the policies perpetrate discrimination against women. Branches are often not properly trained or equipped to assist women when they are subject to […]

Women and Work Commission

In autumn 2004, the Prime Minister established a Women and Work Commission to look at how men’s and women’s education and skills affect which jobs they can get; promotion and career progression; women’s experiences in the job market, before and after having children and women’s differing experiences of working either full time and part-time. All […]