National Black Members’ Conference to be Held in November Each Year

The Scottish Region notes with grave concern at the loss of opportunity to hold its annual delegate’s conference in the year 2003. It notes that while other self organised groups had the opportunity of producing policies for their national committees to operate on, the National Black Members’ Committee (NBMC) is disadvantaged in getting the policies […]

Regional Event for Black Members in All Regions

Each year there are black history monthly events across the country but these are varied in their links within the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities or Black and Minority Ethnic voluntary organisations. If each regional black members’ committee were to organise events with all the BME voluntary organisations in their county or local area […]

Campaigns – Review Stop and Search Now

Forty eight per cent of ‘stop and search’ incidents in the County of Northamptonshire involve black people; less than two per cent of these incidents actually result in an arrest. This means that, despite the requirements of “reasonable grounds for suspicion”, seven out of eight of those searched are doing nothing wrong. Stop and search […]

Civil Registered Partnerships

Conference welcomes the Government’s proposals on legal recognition of same sex partnerships through the introduction of a civil registration scheme. Conference believes that formal recognition of same sex relationships will help combat discrimination against lesbians. Conference is concerned, however, that while the proposals bring some advantages, they also introduce or highlight some problems. The proposed […]

The Hidden Homeless

Research shows that there are an increasing number of homeless women, who both live on the streets and more often on the floors of friends, or in other insecure housing as the hidden homeless rather than use the apparently male- dominated housing agencies. Many of these women are escaping domestic violence or breakdowns in relationships. […]

Organising for Equality for Lesbian Workers

Conference welcomes the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003, which came into force at the end of last year. Lesbians face widespread discrimination and prejudice in the workplace. Until the regulations came into force, they had no legal protection from such discrimination. Conference recognises, however, that laws only make a difference if they are used. […]

The Childcare Challenge

Conference notes with great concern the increasing cost of childcare and the increasing difficulty in finding high quality and flexible childcare places. The typical cost of a full-time nursery place for a child under two is £128 a week, more than £6,650 a year, which is up 6.7 per cent on last year. And in […]

Action on Tackling Domestic Violence and Abuse *

Conference commends UNISON’s partnership work with Women’s Aid and government on tackling domestic violence and abuse. Developing local workplace policies on tackling domestic violence and abuse is an important part of the strategy to reduce violence experienced by members and their families. We should never forget that domestic violence and abuse is a crime. Conference […]

Challenging Stereotypes on International and Transethnic Adoption

Recognising that international adoption is a particularly sensitive women issue: 1)Birth mothers do not necessarily want to give up their children but for some social, cultural or economic reasons, they might find themselves pushed to do so. 2)Infertility and adoptive mothers: acknowledging that infertility could be a man and/or a woman issue. In either case, […]

Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

In every UNISON region there are agencies that support women survivors of childhood sexual abuse by providing a safe, confidential and non-judgmental environment for women to address the issues arising from their experiences of childhood sexual abuse. These agencies can also act as an information and signpost agency for adult survivors, their families, friends and […]

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Women should rightly be proud of their campaigning to draw public attention to the impact of breast cancer – one in every nine women in the United Kingdom continues to develop this disease at some point in her lifetime. During October each year, both cancer charities and women’s organisations make special efforts to publicise the […]

Women’s Organisation

Conference notes and applauds the excellent work taking place in regional women’s groups to promote women’s organisation. Regional groups have used a diverse range of activities to encourage, educate and motivate many women into activity including seminars, guest speakers, workshops and international events. Conference however notes that whilst some branch women’s groups are flourishing it […]

Domestic Violence and Legal Aid

Conference notes the Government’s recent consultation paper on domestic violence entitled Safety and Justice. Conference welcomes the paper as a basis for discussion on improving responses to domestic violence. However, Conference believes that the paper does not go far enough in recognising the financial difficulties experienced by women who are ineligible for legal aid but […]

Women and Equality in Pension Provision *

Conference welcomes the excellent campaign launched this year by the Fawcett Society and Age Concern to raise awareness and campaign for improved pension provisions for women. Women suffer pay inequality during their working lives, which continues to impact upon them in their retirement. Twenty five per cent of single female pensioners live in poverty and […]

Dying, Death and Bereavement

Conference notes that due to: 1)women’s longevity; 2)the predominance of women in caring occupations; 3)women’s role as carers; women are more likely than men to encounter problems related to dying, death and bereavement. Conference calls upon the National Women’s Committee to work with the National Executive Council to develop guidance for members and stewards in […]