
Conference notes with concern the creeping privatisation of police services through PFI, Best Value, outsourcing and the increasing use of private agency staff. Conference notes in particular: 1)the fragmentation of police services that this privatisation is causing, particularly when outsourcing takes place at BCU level; 2)the lack of Best Value methodology being applied to some […]

Funding for Police Staffs

Conference welcomes the push for civilianisation within the Police Reform Act and the additional monies being made available through the Crime Fighting Fund for front line policing. However, no monies have been made available to fund the employment of additional police staffs to support this initiative. The Service Group Executive is therefore called upon to […]

Use of Non-typical Contracts

Conference is concerned about the creeping use of non typical contracts such as fixed term, zero hours and agency staff to cover for staffing shortfalls which are not short term. Conference believes that the growing use of agency staff by police forcxes is evidence of a poor terms and conditions package in many police forces. […]

PSSC Handbook

Conference is concerned over the lack of information provided to branches on this important issue. Conference further instructs that no agreement is to be reached until branches have been consulted on the overall document.

Staff Association

Conference is dissatisfied with the classification of UNISON by our employer and other sections of the police family as a staff association. UNISON is a trade union and as such has statutory rights and status at law. We as trade unionists are proud to be part of the labour movement and are proud of our […]

Getting Noticed

Conference notes that the Service Group appears not to have made use of the Labour Link or the GPF in its campaigning agenda. Conference believes that the SGE should make contact with the GPF and the APF with a view to maximising the facilities and possible funding available to assist the service group. Conference instructs […]

Regional Organisation in Further Education & Sixth Form Colleges

This Conference congratulates its members working in further education colleges on the first national strike across the sector. It notes their success in achieving an improved offer for members despite continued intransigence from the employer’s side. However, the Conference recognises the need to build on the success of this action to improve levels of organisation […]

Exigencies of Service

That this Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to investigate and make recommendations as to the definition of the term ‘exigencies’ in the Police Support Staff Council Handbook and/or similarly seeks an alternative word or phrase which brings clarity and removes ambiguity from its intention. This work should also run in parallel with the review […]

Service Confidence procedures

Conference condemns the proposals of ACPO to introduce service confidence procedures into the police service. The proposals suggest that staff can have punitive measures taken against them without the right to a fair hearing or knowing the nature of the allegations. Conference believes this to be unacceptable. Conference believes that all staff have the right […]

Job Evaluation Scheme

Conference is concerned at the low level of take-up in the PSSC Single Status Job Evaluation Scheme (PSSC Scheme 1). In a national survey carried out in 2002 results showed that: 1)three forces have no job evaluation scheme at all, one of which is now facing equal pay claims from UNISON; 2)three forces have not […]

Traffic Wardens Powers

Conference welcomes the work done in relation to the extension of Traffic Warden’s Powers under the functions of Traffic Warden’s order 2002, where surprisingly limited. Conference instructs the Executive to: 1)again work with the Home Office to obtain the full power to stop for Traffic Warden’s; 2)lobby ACPO and the APA as to the benefits […]


As a modern trade union, UNISON encourages the use of partnership as a legitimate bargaining tool. The benefits of partnership are important to our service group. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to 1)promote partnership within the service group; 2)create partnerships at a national level with key organisations including the employers, their associates and other […]

Civilianisation Within the Police Service

Conference is concerned at the apparent conflicts of government policy with regard to support staff posts. Government states it wants more civilianisation within the police service. Government states it will deal with forces that fail to do this. Government urges forces to place injured/incapable police officers into none operational roles. Government states that it wants […]

Police Reform Bill

As a result of the Police Reform Bill there is every likelihood police officers will be redeployed into support staff posts as an alternative to ill health retirements. Conference calls on the Service Group Executive to formulate policy and advice to branches to ensure this practice doesn ot have a detrimental effect on support staff […]

Employment of Retired Police Officers

Conference is concerned at the perceived number of police officers who are employed in police staff roles upon their retirement without having gone through any selection process. This practice if true causes concern and possibly breaches force equal opportunities policies/procedures. Conferences instructs the SGE to provide advice, guidance and support to branches with regard to […]