Term Time Working

This conference believes that in many schools and local authorities, staff on term time only contracts are being treated less favourably than their full time colleagues in respect of their pay and other conditions of service. UNISON has seen many examples of term time staff not receiving their pro-rata entitlements to benefits such as pay, […]

Keeping Pay Equal

Despite longstanding UK and EU equal pay legislation, there are still women working in local government and private contractors providing local government services who are paid much less than they should be compared to men. Conference believes that changes are needed to make UK equal pay legislation more effective and that government austerity policy is […]

Food Standards Agency – Pay, Terms & Conditions

Conference notes that our members employed by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) are under extreme pressure and that recent meat and food scandals may become the norm as we negotiate our way out of the European Union and into the hands of unknown trade deals. Conference also notes the numbers of Meat Hygiene Inspectors (MHI) […]

Support Library and Cultural services

Conference recognises libraries and cultural services, such as museums and public parks, have been suffering financial cuts over many years as councils struggle under the government’s austerity policies. There has been a systematic attack on the term and conditions of and undermining of the professionalism of people still employed in these services. Conference recognises the […]

Social Work Support is a Right for Asylum Seekers

Conference notes that the clear intention of the UK government is to create a ‘hostile environment’ for would-be migrants to the UK in order to reduce immigration and meet commitments made to the electorate – regardless of internal or external implications and consequences, be they economic or humanitarian. Asylum seekers, to whom the UK have […]

Organising in Schools and Multi Academy Trusts

For the last few years UNISON has organised Stars in our Schools to shine a light on the wonderful work of support staff. So often they are the unsung heroes of schools. Teaching assistants, midday supervisors, admin workers, catering staff and cleaning staff are part of the whole education team, who make our schools the […]

Organising in FE Colleges

Conference notes that whilst UNISON represents 30,000 members working in further education and sixth form colleges across the UK, our members work in a variety of roles, including: training and assessment; technical; library services; facilities; administration; specialist learning support, curriculum support; catering; IT, data; finance, procurement, we note the threat they are under. There continues […]

Trading Through Austerity

Conference condemns the continued attacks on the funding of local councils, which are destroying local services, threatening community cohesion and threatening our members’ jobs and income. They represent the biggest threat to locally provided services, controlled by democratically elected councils. Whilst acknowledging that councils face difficult decisions as to what can be done, most local […]

Trans Equality is Everyone’s Concern

Conference notes that despite lack of data collection by many local government employers on the experiences of trans staff, we know that they experience disproportionate levels of harassment and discrimination. A 2017 TUC report showed that 48% of trans workers had experienced bullying and harassment, compared to a third of non-trans workers. Our most recent […]

LGBT Workers and Social Care

Conference notes with alarm that the crisis in social care continues to grow. Councils have been forced to make cumulative savings in adult social care from 2010 to 2017 of £6.3 billion and the annual local government finance survey published in February 2018 indicated that 40% of council budgets for 2018/19 will see spending on […]

Dealing With the Menopause in the Workplace

Conference notes with concern that little account is taken of factors which affect women going through the menopause in councils and schools. For some women, though by no means all, the menopause presents particular difficulties, which may include insomnia, tiredness, loss of concentration and forgetfulness, as well as the potentially lower levels of physical fitness. […]

Working for Decent Pensions

Conference recognises that our occupational pensions are deferred wages and that it is essential that UNISON and its members are actively involved in the governance of our pension schemes and funds. Conference congratulates those members who represent UNISON on the many of the boards of the LGPS schemes. This is a critical role and UNISON […]

Proper Funding for Further Education – Skills, Pay and Free Education

Conference notes with concern that the funding crisis in post-16 education continues. This means further cuts to courses, rising class sizes and, potentially, college closures unless urgent action is taken. Colleges are at the forefront of delivering technical and professional education and training. Therefore, fair funding for colleges is essential for every community and for […]

Maternity Rights

Since the Tories have been in power, employment laws have become lax and used by employers to stifle members. Basic principles are failing to be followed resulting in many women being discriminated against. This is often the case during pregnancy and the maternity period (which includes breastfeeding). More and more frequently employers are failing to […]

Local Government and Brexit

Conference notes that when the UK leaves the European Union (EU), a large amount of EU regional aid will be lost. The Local Government Association’s report ‘Beyond Brexit’, published in July 2017, calculated that the funding gap would be £8.4bn. This funding has been used by local areas to create jobs, deliver skills training, and […]