Disability Awareness within UNISON Courses

Conference is concerned that South East Region has unfortunately discovered that disability and equality awareness is not consistent within all UNISON regional education and training courses. Conference instructs National Disabled Members’ Committee to liaise with the regional education committees to ensure that appropriate disability awareness training is included on all UNISON education and training programmes […]

NHSU Redundancy Announcement

Negotiations not Consultation on Pensions

Asylum Seekers


Arms Length Review & Privatisation

Privatisation of the NHS

Future Pay Claims

Review of Unsocial Hours – Agenda for Change

This National Healthcare Conference instructs the National Service Group Executive that under no circumstances should a final decision be reached on proposals for unsocial hours agreement following the current review, until a full ballot of the Health membership has been held on this issue.

Introduction of a 35 Hour Week Across the NHS

Conference for many years, we have debated the 35-hour week acaross our Health Service. UNISON believes all NHS workers should have a right to work that does not damage their health and have freedom to pursue activities arranging work more effectively. Reasons for the 35-hour week are as follows: ·To achieve a work-life balance; ·To […]

Advance Practice – We are not doctor’s hand maidens

Healthcare is changing and the Nursing Sector welcomes the opportunity to have a debate around individual roles and responsibilities. We have particularly welcomed the opportunity to respond to the Nursing & Midwifery Council consultation on advance practise. However in recent weeks there has been speculation that nurses and other professionals should not undertake surgical procedures. […]

Violence Against Workers

This Conference welcomes the findings of the Scottish Executive’s report “When the Customer isn’t right” and the funding of a 3-year campaign to cut the number of assaults to public service workers. This campaign is the package of non-legislative measures, which support the Emergency Workers Bill currently being debated in the Scottish Parliament. This work […]


This Conference notes the horrific experiences that many people have of the immigration process in the UK and the role that the Dungavel Detention Centre in South Lanarkshire has played in this. This is not the only detention centre in the UK. Conference is particularly concerned with the experiences of the Lanarkshire Health Branch that […]

Branch Involvement in the Private Contractor Unit

This Conference notes the creation of the Private Contractor Unit at a Strategic Level within the National Office at UNISON. Whilst it is an important move to co-ordinate the work of various parts of the UNISON structure with our relationships with the various private contractors in the NHS and across the public services this Conference […]

Learning Disability Nurse Training

This conference is alarmed at emerging evidence that Learning Disability Nurse training is not being commissioned by Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) in certain parts of the country. We are convinced that there will always be a role for a registered nurse within this field of care. We are concerned, however, that because there is now, […]