Work Life Balance

Conference welcomes campaigning materials produced by the National Women’s Committee on work life balance and flexible working. Unfortunately, Conference must also note that the application and interpretation of work life balance has been very different between and within organisations, to the detriment of women. Conference recognises that many employers do not encourage job sharing, or […]

Women and Pensions

Conference recognises that changes to the state pension system in recent years in terms of contributions, retirement age and earnings on which pensions are based puts women at an unfair disadvantage. The existing state pension alone is insufficient to provide for basic needs and requires a large number of recipients to undergo the humiliation of […]

Recruitment and Organisation

Conference has previously noted that: 1)many women members are unaware of the opportunities open to them within UNISON; 2)not all branches are able to establish and maintain women’s groups; 3)women still face discrimination and barriers to involvement in the work of the union. Conference also recognises that Composite A, agreed at National Delegate Conference 2004, […]

Draconian Changes in Terror Trials

The Home Secretary, David Blunkett is proposing a raft of new measures and amendments to existing anti-terrorism legislation which will extend his powers and local law enforcement agencies which include the following:- ·creation of ‘no jury anti-terrorist courts, these are all under the guise of building safe and secure communities ·introduction of special terrorism trials […]

Flat Rate, Pan London Weighting

Whilst recognising that some staff have done well out of the high cost area allowance under Agenda for Change, many staff have actually lost some of their London weighing due the move from a flat-rate to a percentage rate. This is a retrograde step as it affects the lowest paid staff. It is also the […]

Advance Practice – We are not doctor’s hand maidens

Healthcare is changing and the Nursing Sector welcomes the opportunity to have a debate around individual roles and responsibilities. We have particularly welcomed the opportunity to respond to the Nursing & Midwifery Council consultation on advance practise. However in recent weeks there has been speculation that nurses and other professionals should not undertake surgical procedures. […]

Violence Against Workers

This Conference welcomes the findings of the Scottish Executive’s report “When the Customer isn’t right” and the funding of a 3-year campaign to cut the number of assaults to public service workers. This campaign is the package of non-legislative measures, which support the Emergency Workers Bill currently being debated in the Scottish Parliament. This work […]


This Conference notes the horrific experiences that many people have of the immigration process in the UK and the role that the Dungavel Detention Centre in South Lanarkshire has played in this. This is not the only detention centre in the UK. Conference is particularly concerned with the experiences of the Lanarkshire Health Branch that […]

Branch Involvement in the Private Contractor Unit

This Conference notes the creation of the Private Contractor Unit at a Strategic Level within the National Office at UNISON. Whilst it is an important move to co-ordinate the work of various parts of the UNISON structure with our relationships with the various private contractors in the NHS and across the public services this Conference […]

Learning Disability Nurse Training

This conference is alarmed at emerging evidence that Learning Disability Nurse training is not being commissioned by Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) in certain parts of the country. We are convinced that there will always be a role for a registered nurse within this field of care. We are concerned, however, that because there is now, […]


·Conference deplores the failure of Health, Social Services and Public Safety Trusts within Northern Ireland to exercise their statutory obligations under Section 75 and Statutory Duty in employing and providing services for those with disabilities; · ·Conference calls on UNISON to seek an immediate Audit of the numbers of disabled staff employed within the Northern […]

Racist Attacks on Health Service Staff in Northern Ireland

Conference deplores the racist attacks carried out against our overseas colleagues working within the National Health Service. Conference commends the work of the Northern Ireland Region who have been at the forefront of highlighting and attempting to tackle the evils of racism. Conference therefore calls on UNISON to ensure the Government is lobbied to provide […]

Support Staff with Mental Health Problems

This Conference is extremely concerned at the lack of support and help given to staff who has suffered from mental illness problems which have occurred due to the nature of their work. Many of our members suffer mental health problems through attacks by patients this leaves them traumatised, frightened and sometimes mentally scared for life. […]

Student Visa

Conference notes the issue of Student Visas to overseas nurses by British Embassies in various overseas countries, these applications in the main are being submitted by British Embassies by Agents who’s ethics are questionable. In most cases the applicant is being charged huge fees to have these applications processed by the Agents. Recruitment Agencies have […]

Agenda for Change

There have been a number of examples where management at Trust level have sought to undermine the “Partnership” arrangements for the implementation of AfC. This has led to a number of Staff Sides being excluded from negotiations on implementation of AfC. There have also been a number of examples where Trust’s have refused to implement […]