International Ties and Solidarity

Conference notes the ties with international forces enjoyed by forces and the support networks such as the Black Police Association. Conference considers that similar ties with like minded bodies to be of great value to the Service group for the purpose of international solidarity and the sharing of good practice. As a young service group […]

Bridging the Gap

Conference understands and supports the close ties between UNISON and the Labour party and would wish to strengthen those ties. Conference also recognises the important role that the other two main political parties have with regard to the police service. Conference believes that key speakers from the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrat Party be […]


Conference notes with concern the creeping privatisation of police services through PFI, Best Value, outsourcing and the increasing use of private agency staff. Conference notes in particular: 1)the fragmentation of police services that this privatisation is causing, particularly when outsourcing takes place at BCU level; 2)the lack of Best Value methodology being applied to some […]

Traffic Wardens Powers

Conference welcomes the work done in relation to the extension of Traffic Warden’s Powers under the functions of Traffic Warden’s order 2002, where surprisingly limited. Conference instructs the Executive to: 1)again work with the Home Office to obtain the full power to stop for Traffic Warden’s; 2)lobby ACPO and the APA as to the benefits […]


As a modern trade union, UNISON encourages the use of partnership as a legitimate bargaining tool. The benefits of partnership are important to our service group. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to 1)promote partnership within the service group; 2)create partnerships at a national level with key organisations including the employers, their associates and other […]

Civilianisation Within the Police Service

Conference is concerned at the apparent conflicts of government policy with regard to support staff posts. Government states it wants more civilianisation within the police service. Government states it will deal with forces that fail to do this. Government urges forces to place injured/incapable police officers into none operational roles. Government states that it wants […]

Equal Pay

Conference is reminded that two-thirds of UNISON’s police members are women. This is in line with the gender profile of UNISON’s membership nationally. UNISON as a national union is committed to removing all forms of discrimination from the workplace. And the removal of pay discrimination is high on UNISON’s list of priorities. Conference welcomes the […]

Forget League Tables and Find the Funding

Conference condemns the Government’s rating system for local authorities as little more than an attempt to divert public attention away from the real issue of prolonged under-funding. A league table of ratings is so general and simplistic that it will not even provide a realistic basis for identifying to the public which individual pieces within […]

Promotion of Local Government Services Awareness

Conference notes with concern that politician and media references to public services tend to be limited to nurses and teachers or in this last year fire-fighters. UNISON’s largest service group, those who work in local government, have a wide diversity of jobs, but are rarely mentioned. Conference believes that imbalance of awareness needs to be […]

Raising Standards and Tackling Workloads

This Conference welcomes the “Raising Standards and Tackling Workload” national agreement signed up to by UNISON and other unions representing members in schools. The agreement recognises the long standing anomalies facing UNISON members working as school support staff and offers the best opportunity for years to rectify these problems. It also lends weight to the […]

Equal Pay

Conference welcomes UNISON’s continuing commitment to achieving equal pay and is pleased to note that the campaign continues to be a priority area for the Local Government Service Group. Conference also notes the establishment of the Local Government Pay Commission and welcomes its role in addressing the long term problem of equal pay within Local […]

End Ring Fencing of Local Government Finance

This Conference notes with concern the continued practice of ring fencing local government finance to initiatives decided by National Governments. The practice of ring fencing has a number of negative effects on local government and these include: 1)The fact that such money is often dressed up in the media as new money for existing services […]

Modernisation of Public Services

Conference notes the continuing commitment of UNISON members in Local Government to improving the quality of services provided to local communities. UNISON members work with the most disadvantaged and vulnerable people in these communities and are fully aware of the need for improvements in the range, quantity and quality of services provided. This is necessary […]

Local Government Pension Scheme

This Local Government Service Group Conference notes with considerable concern the Government’s latest consultation papers on retirement benefit options for, and simplification of, the Local Government Pension Scheme. This Conference believes that these consultation papers should be seen for what they are – an attempt to reduce costs for employers at a time when funds […]

Pay and Status of Social Workers

This Local Government Service Group Conference notes with considerable concern the way in which grading and pay of social workers, and other social care professional staff, has over recent years fallen badly behind that of a range of other professional groups and in particular behind that of professional colleagues in the education and health fields […]