Because You’re Worth It

Conference rejects the Local Government Employers’ ‘pay freeze’ imposed on the 1.4 million local government workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Conference deplores the fact that the employers have come to such a position without any negotiation. So far no offer has been made in Scotland in response to the SJC TU side pay […]


It is well known that young people are the future of this organisation and with that in mind we need a targeted advertising campaign to recruit more young Black members into UNISON, working directly with NUS Black Student campaign, UNISON young members and other Black orientated youth organisations. This conference is also aware that Apprenticeship […]

Medical Procedures in Schools, Colleges and Nurseries

Conference notes that education has become more inclusive with increasing numbers of children and young people attending mainstream schools, colleges and nurseries and extended school services. UNISON supports inclusive education but believes, for the safety and well being of children and staff, this must be adequately resourced, planned and supported. Conference further notes that UNISON […]

Green Jobs, Green Services, Green Workplace Reps

Conference is alarmed at the 15,000 local government redundancies across the UK in the 15 months to February this year and deplores the negative consequences for the individuals affected and local economies dependent on their spending power. Conference notes that in an otherwise austere pre-Budget report, an additional £150 million was announced for the ‘Warm […]


Conference recognises the devastating effect that the earthquake has had on the governance and infrastructure of Haiti. However, Conference is particularly concerned that within hours of the disaster overseas adoptions were being fast tracked. Whilst Conference wishes that young women and girls who have lost family and friends in Haiti are given the opportunity for […]

Private Social Work Practice Pilots

This Conference notes: The Children and Young Person’s Act 2008 and the piloting of independent ‘Social Work Practices’ to care for ‘Looked after Children’. That ‘Looked after Children’ are a very vulnerable group of young people who are cared for by the state either due to them being removed from the care of their family […]

Pension Rights for Civil Partners

Conference welcomes the decision by government to agree new LGPS regulations that extend pensionable service for civil partner survivors’ pensions to include pre-1988 service, so that entitlement is equal to that of married couples. Conference acknowledges that the issue of survivor benefits for civil partners has been pushed by UNISON at every opportunity, in responding […]

Absence Monitoring and Measurement for Women

Conference notes with concern the increase in absence monitoring within local government. Conference believes that the management tools used have a detrimental and disproportionate affect on women employees, when employers may use such scoring systems in the process of selection for redundancy, or as an excuse for dismissal when seeking to cut staff numbers. Schemes […]


Conference notes with alarm the devastating scale of cuts in the Public Sector which has become clear as public bodies’ budgets are being finalised. Conference condemns any attempts to roll back women’s equality through attacks on funding of the women’s voluntary sector and public services which primarily affect women. Whilst national campaigns by their very […]


Conference notes that in November 2009, Breast Cancer UK launched a campaign calling on the government and devolved nations to take action to end the use of controversial chemical, Bisphenol-A (commonly abbreviated to BPA), in baby bottles. Already voluntarily withdrawn from shelves in Canada and the USA, polycarbonate baby bottles made with BPA are still […]


Your most probably wondering what does the title of this motion actually refer to, well, it is the present age gap of seven years, between the age of 18-25 years. Eighteen years being the upper limit that the HPV vaccination is presenting being offered in our schools to young women and twenty five years in […]


This Conference notes that the introduction of the public sector duties represented a step change in how employers delivering public services must address inequalities. Equality impact assessments (EIAs) play a key role in the implementation of the duties and they are a legal requirement for authorities covered by specific duties. They aim to ensure that […]


This Conference notes with alarm the increasing and unwarranted attacks on public sector pensions. Whilst it is true to say that a growing gap between public and private sector pensions caused by the employer retreat from decent pensions in the private sector, it is wrong to conclude that the answer is to level down public […]


Conference applauds the National Women’s Committee on work done to date to support the work of Rape Crisis however there is still more work to be done. Conference believes that rape crisis centres are essential and believe that there should be adequate government funding for the centres to operate. For example, there is only one […]


Conference welcomes the 2009 TUC Congress resolution, submitted by the FBU, and statement from TUC General Council which: 1)condemned the Israeli offensive on Gaza and its continuing blockade on the territory; 2)called for a negotiated settlement based on international law and justice for the Palestinians; and 3)committed to work with the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) […]